Marcion (c. 140) was a second century heretic who made a distinction between the creator G-d of The Tanach Jesus. For Marcion, the creator G-d of the Jews inspired The Tanach Scriptures, but he was an inferior G-d of judgment and justice. DUH!
According to Marcion, the creator G-d
??!!!!!! the followers of Jeses into becoming Judaizers by having them connect the Gospel with corrupt Jewish elements and Tanach teachings.
Because Marcion rejected all Jewish elements and O.T. teachings, he posited a biblical canon that did not evidence any of these items. Thus, Marcion formulated a canon that only had ten of Paul’s epistles and parts of the Gospel of Luke. Marcion’s heretical canon eventually spurred Christians to formulate a true list or canon of the inspired books of the Old and New Testaments.
Like the Gnostics, Marcion believed that matter was evil and that asceticism was the best way.
BOTTON LINE, they DEMONIZE the Torah, or O.T. CALL THEM WHAT THEY ARE- they HATE anything with 'neo' in it LOL ...