Petre please see Yacov Menashe's threads and posts on racial classifications. I agree with Yacov Menashe that the Caucasian race was miraculously created by G-d in the Garden of Eden but that before then blacks existed as sub-human creatures without souls. In other words they were created after their own kind (i.e. the animal kind) and not in the image of Hashem. They were endowed with souls after the Creation of the Caucasian race for some unspecified purpose (although part of G-d's masterplan and therefore above any human criticism).
What do you think of these ideas?
Do you really think it will be good for humanity to mix in with those African creatures within 1000 years? That seems to me much too soon to effect such a huge change in human composition. It would also stifle human intellectual development and probably result in the dying off of the entire human race through genetic pollution.
However I don't believe humanity has 1000 years left anyway because G-d will redeem the world with the Messiah before then. He will not suffer us to witness political correctness kill our civilization for 1000 more years G-d willing.
i notice, with the greatest respect, GTHS, that you ignored my post on page 7 of this thread