But why did you buy it? You have many guns, and you are selling them now. 
I sold off a few guns because I needed money at the time. My collection will keep growing. A man can never have too many guns. They are also a good investment because they never lose their value, they keep going up in price.
You are right. Do you like the AMD 65? I think it has beautiful looking.
Would you buy it once?
The AMD 65 is the same as the AK47 except it's a Hungarian clone with some cosmetic changes, I'm not really a fan of it for a few reasons. Mainly the stock type is rather uncomfortable, then again, wire stocks aren't that much more comfortable either. I also don't like that the gas tube is exposed, I've accidently grabbed a exposed gas tube and they are HOT! Most AK's cover the gas tube with wood or something.
Galil is similar with the AK 47 too. 
Close, there are some differences.


While the Galil does use the same gas piston system as the AK47 and could be considered a heavily modified variant of the AK47, the parts are not completely interchangeable.
A few differences
The milled curved receiver on the Galil and the stamped receiver on the AK47 (although the AK pictured has a milled receiver, a few models do). Most AK47's use flat sheet metal that is bent into place and held together with rivets to the front and rear trunion. Stamping is a lot cheaper and easier to do. Milled receivers are milled out of a solid block of steel and are usually heavier and more expensive although a lot more durable.
gas tube, on AK's, you push a lever to remove the gas tube, Galil's, only the dust cover holds it on
cosmetics like the handguard and the pistol grip are different and more ergonomic on the Galil.
Upturned charging handle distinctive in the galil for use of either hand to pull back the bolt.
Thumb mounted safety, the Galil is one of the only AK variants to feature this.
peep sights, a huge advantage to the AK's block sights, only found on Galils and Valmets, this increases accuracy by a large margin.
Folding stock, the folding stock is steel and unique to other style folder or underfolder stocks found on Galils, it resembles a para FAL stock.
Overall, they operate pretty much the same though.