Author Topic: Let's get back to our roots- to save ourselves.  (Read 1551 times)

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Offline Diomedes

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Let's get back to our roots- to save ourselves.
« on: February 17, 2009, 11:26:36 PM »
My ancestry is English and, inspired partly by the nationalism of the Jews and other ethnic groups (Hindus, for example, or ethnic Russians), I've been struck by how nationalism and ethnic pride can offer a salve against the ills of modern society. I truly believe that G-d made the human race to be diverse- the global monoculture that dominates the world at this time is, as I see things, akin to the Tower of Babel story. I don't disparage those of other races, G-d forbid, but I can't see any reason why I shouldn't take pride in my own Anglo-Saxon ethnicity and the history that comes along with this ancestry. The English people have a long, long history- at least 1,500 years as a nation and far longer as a people in Northern Europe along the Baltic, so this is what I do- take pride in that old English blood in my veins. Then to think that the United States used to be majority Anglo-Saxon/Western European- what the hell happened, when did the country change? Or, more correctly, who allowed it to change? Who, indeed..... G-d wants us to raise up a banner for ourselves, on our own terms, and no on someone else's terms- in other words Islam, socialism, etc. that's being forced on us from the outside. Pride is not an excuse to hate- G-d will turn His face from us if we hate our brothers and nor is pride an excuse to "talk the talk" but not "walk the walk." How many fakes are there in the world who won't live according what they say they believe?

"We owe these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal..." These words were penned by Anglo-Saxon men, partly inspired by the words of the Jewish prophets of old and partly inspired by the Greeks and Romans. There's not a hint, not whiff, of Islam in that statement- it's just good old-fashioned Western humanism, itself a product of secular and sacred forces that originate squarely in what is now the Western world. Till Americans, those of us who're still left who think of ourselves  as "hyphenated Americans" (Anglo-American in my case), take pride in what happened before- how can we save our country? How can we help our cousins in Europe and our friends in Israel, India, and elsewhere?

I'd say the same thing to anyone- be he an ethnic Chinese or ethnic Zulu, save yourself by getting back to and preserving your own roots. Value your own history and heritage. Come to G-d in the way your forebearers did and, if your ancestors didn't know of G-d, then now's the chance for you to know when they didn't. This is why I'm a proponent of what the Jews call the Brit Noah- Noah's covenant, which I think of as a theological term for nature's laws. Let's discover our roots, our history, G-d Himself- then we can begin to make progress in the world and drive the barbarians at the gates back into their own lands.


Great is the fear of God; through him the world turns.
He established the mighty plains, the face of the earth and the sky above.
Foolish is he who fears not his Lord: death catches him unprepared.
Blessed is the humble man: mercy comes to him from heaven.
God gave man a soul because he trusts in His strength.

-From the Anglo-Saxon poem, "The Seafarer"

Offline ag337

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Re: Let's get back to our roots- to save ourselves.
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2009, 05:22:25 AM »
Again, thanks for the post.iomedes,
I could not agree with you more.  If we would all embrace our roots and our own heritages, we would take a step forward to making the world a better place.
I appreciate your insight on this post and it really does ring true for me. 
Our world society have defected from this idea of embracing their roots causing worldwide turmoil and destruction.
There is too much diversion from embracing our roots and it is a shame; because it makes the world a dangerous place for future generations to come.

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Re: Let's get back to our roots- to save ourselves.
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2009, 05:47:11 AM »
well said there

Offline Spectator

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Re: Let's get back to our roots- to save ourselves.
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2009, 07:28:57 AM »
Great post, Diomedes!

I think every nation has something to be proud of.
True peace is the mutual respect and recoginition but not elimination of the distinction between nations.
Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help (Psalms 146:3)