True Western Conservatives want the predominance of White Culture throughout the Western Civilization. Murdoch has continuously been instigated for halting stories on HUMAN Global Warming and any other hoax that will decapitate the West's ability to remain on top of world markets.
The man may have his _CHINK_ servant and so long as she respect the White Man and his chief position in the world, I don't foresee tragedy unless she was to be traitorous toward her master's calling !

Look at how Michael Moore trashed Murdoch is his garbage satire "The Corporation". Don't you think Moore and other LIBERAL Junkies see Murdoch as a serious threat to their control over concession and defeat of the Great White West !
Murdoch is sabotaging the Liberal Networks along with the World Markets !
The man is a force for WEST against the Islamic Terrorist Enemies !
P.S. Take down all _CHINK_ Communists but first we have some business with the MUSLIM NAZI HOBOS !!