Author Topic: Muslim Terrorgroups have attacked almost every institution in India-Daniel Pipes  (Read 1697 times)

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Offline ✡ Hindu Zionist ॐ

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  • India- Most pro-Israel country of the world!
There is no Moderate Muslim Country or Successful Islamic Democracy because Islam and Freedom cannot coexist in the same way Muslims cannot exist with Non Muslims peacefully .Here are the examples,

1) Iraq : Terror Attacks everyday , Hundreds of Thousands murdered

2) Iran : Ayatullah - Mullah Regime which cleansed its minorities and now pursuing Nuclear Program with a clear aim to wipe out Israel and threaten the rest.

3) Lebanon : It was peaceful when Christians had majority but Local Lebanese Muslims with the help of Palestinian Terror Groups started civil war in which Islamists massacred thousands of innocent non muslims and now Lebanon is now hotbed of Terrorists like Hizbullah

4) Syria : Its ruled by Dictator like Asad which has close ties with rogue countries like Iran and which openly shelters Terrorists like Khalid Meshal ( Hamas ) and has allowed Iran to use its Territorry to supply weapons to Terrorist Hizbullah in Lebanon.

5) Jordan : No Democracy and its matter of time when Majority of arab population which identify themselves as Palestinians stage a bloody coup and massacre family of King Abdullah and establish a Hamas type Terrorist Government.

6) Egypt : Muslim Brotherhood getting support . Even Al Qaida number 2 Ayman Al Jawahiri is from Egypt and planning to assasinate Hoxni Mubarak to establish rule of Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaida.

7) Sudan : Millions massacred by Janzaweed Militia which is supported by Arabic Muslim Jehadis.

8.) Somalia : Muslim Fanatic has murdered hundreds and now they have sheltered many Al Qaida agents which are using Somalia as a base to spread its network in Uganda , Tanzania , Eritrea , Ethiopia ,etc.

9) Indonesia : Most populous muslim country in the world where Christians were beheaded in day light and even Indonesian Military is engaged in ethnic cleansing of non muslim minorities.

10) Pakistan : This country was created on the basis of Islam and it has long association with Jehadi Terrorism . Almost all Islamic Terror attacks in the world has some links or connection to Pakistan or Pakistani Expatriates directly or indirectly.Now it has became the base of Al Qaida and headquarters of World Jehad Movement . We can never ever win this war against Terror before we root out Terrorism and Al Qaida from Pakistan. Even there is a great danger that Jehadis are planning to use Pakistan Nukes to take World Hostage and demand withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan . All Democratic Leaders like Nawaz Sharif , Benjir Bhutto and Altaf Hussain are in exile and democray destroyed long back by Army Dictators. Mullah - Military - Mafia alliance have provided the safest haven for all sort of Muslim Terrorist Groups.

11) Bangladesh : Most Popular Democractic Leader Sheikh Hasina is in Prison by Dictators and Islamic Parties have captured the ground . Al Qaida allied with HUJI ( Harkat al Jehad Islami ) and planning Terrorism in and around Bangladesh.

12) Turkey : Islamist AKP Party have again elected in Turkey with overwhelming majority and Islamising Turkey cleverly with preparing to enter European Union inorder to Islamise Europe from within.

13) Saudi Arabia : Global Financer of Hate by bankrolling Wahabi Propaganda Structure around the world . Saudi Petro Dollars have financed many Mosques and Militant Imams all over the world.

14) Yemen : Islamists are spreading their propaganda and Al Qaida is getting recruits from Yemen . Terrorists targetted USS Cole from Yemen.

15) GCC Countries : UAE , Kuwait , Oman , Bahrain , Qatar are members of GCC ( Gulf Cooperation Council ) and They are considered to be allies of West but the rich muslims in these Countries have supported many Terror Groups by Donating Money as " Jakat " to Islamic Charities which was further channeled to Islamist Groups.

16) Uzbekistan : Uzbek Islamist Groups are allied with Tabkeeghis from Pakistan to establish Islamist Rule in Central Asia .

17) Judea / Samaria / Gaza : Muslim Arabs have elected Hamas Terrorists. Now its the Jehadis who control and are openly engaged in Terrorism to murder maximum innocent Jews in Israel.

and Islamists are gaining ground in almost all Islamic Countries .

Situation in Non Muslim Countries are more dangerous , Few Examples ,

1) Israel : 30 % Muslims acting as fifth columns to support Hamas and Fatah. They openly term Israel's independence as " Naqba " or " Disaster " .They are waging a Terrorist war to Intimidate Israelis and also waging a Demographic war to outnumber Jews in their only Homeland.

2) Nigeria : 45 % Muslims have established rule of Shariat in North and now advancing towards south to murder maximum Christians and Islamise Full Nigeria.

3) Russia : 26 % Muslims are growing faster with the help of Immigrants from Central Asian " Muslimstans" and now Chechnya , Ingushetia , Dagestan is burning in fire of Jehad.

4) China : Muslims were majority in Xingxiang Province of China and Uighur Muslims are being trained in Madrassas of Pakistan and they also have many Islamist Groups waging a movement to seperate this province into an Islamic Nation of Uighur Muslims.

5) Europe : 20 Million Muslims in Europe are claiming all the benefits in Europe Liberal Societies and using Democratic Rights to grow their strength to turn Europe into Eurabia.

6) United Kingdom : Islamist Attacks of 7 / 7 shows that Londonistan is hotbed of Islamist Terror and its matter of time when we will witness Bombs exploding in Birmingham , Manchester , Kent , Cardiff , Belfast , etc. Islamists will wage such a Terror War in UK that Britons will forget IRA and Seine Fiene Activism.

7) India : Majority of World's Muslims live in India . Almost 200 Million Muslims that is 20 % of India's Population are Muslims. Muslims Terror Groups have attacked almost every institution in India including Indian Parliament , Temples , Churches , Assembly, halls , Cinemas , Trains , Buses , Aeroplanes. Now they are systematically working for Islamisation of India in next 15 years at the same Terrorism is used as a weapon to silence those critics who dare of expose Islamsim or oppose Terrorism.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2009, 11:34:34 AM by ✡ Hindu Zionist ॐ »

Offline ag337

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Whoever says Islam is a religion of peace and we should be tolerant of Muslims, needs to go have their head examined.

HinduZionist, this thread you have posted says it all.  Radical Islam is creeping into any and every hole it can find.

There is no way to achieve a successful Islamic Democracy and there will never be one.  Radical Islam does not want or will never allow any kind of democracy.

The words Islam and Democracy can not exist in the same sentence together, much less the world.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2009, 09:22:49 PM by ag337 »