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Judaism and pets


Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:

It's been with a certain amount of surprise that I (like, I'm sure, many of you) have learned of Chaim's convictions regarding pet ownership. The issue does not directly apply to me as a Gentile Christian (although we do have many cats), but I am curious as to the verses in Scripture Chaim uses for his belief. Does anyone know?

I have never been aware of any Torahic or Biblical verse forbidding companion animals to the Chosen, and one of my very best online friends is a proud, highly religious Jew and enormous animal lover. Is this found in the Talmud or where?


Christian Zionist:

--- Quote from: Chaimfan on March 22, 2007, 12:33:16 AM ---All,

It's been with a certain amount of surprise that I (like, I'm sure, many of you) have learned of Chaim's convictions regarding pet ownership. The issue does not directly apply to me as a Gentile Christian (although we do have many cats), but I am curious as to the verses in Scripture Chaim uses for his belief. Does anyone know?

I have never been aware of any Torahic or Biblical verse forbidding companion animals to the Chosen, and one of my very best online friends is a proud, highly religious Jew and enormous animal lover. Is this found in the Talmud or where?


--- End quote ---

There is no Biblical verse related to owning pets but there is no example of Patriarchs Abraham, Issac, Jacob, prominent Tanak prophets, Kings of Judah and Israel or Job owning a pet animal either.

Even some Christians do not like to own pets because the Bible says love your Lord G-d with ALL your heart, ALL your mind, ALL your strength...  Pets could become a hindrance to our personal time with G-d, Bible reading, meditation and praying.  A pet owner can easily idolize his pet(s) and become obsessed with them.  It is a lot of work too if someone owns a pet.

I personally do not want to own a pet but I would not say owning a pet is wrong either.


--- Quote ---A pet owner can easily idolize his pet(s) and become obsessed with them.  It is a lot of work too if someone owns a pet.
--- End quote ---

I agree.  My sister has a brown Labrador.  She loves that dog as if she had birthed him herself.  Whenever I go to visit her she says to the dog, "Look, Aunt Lisa's here!"  The dog has arthritis in his hips, so she gets him his own personal walker who takes him out a few times a day.  Also, she's adamantly against putting the dog in a kennel if she happens to be away for a while. 

When she got her Masters degree and my mother got her a gift which she didn't like, she asked instead if the dog could swim a few laps in my parents pool.  They said yes. 


--- Quote from: Lisa on March 22, 2007, 12:37:46 PM ---
--- Quote ---A pet owner can easily idolize his pet(s) and become obsessed with them.  It is a lot of work too if someone owns a pet.
--- End quote ---

I agree.  My sister has a brown Labrador.  She loves that dog as if she had birthed him herself.  Whenever I go to visit her she says to the dog, "Look, Aunt Lisa's here!"  The dog has arthritis in his hips, so she gets him his own personal walker who takes him out a few times a day.  Also, she's adamantly against putting the dog in a kennel if she happens to be away for a while. 

When she got her Masters degree and my mother got her a gift which she didn't like, she asked instead if the dog could swim a few laps in my parents pool.  They said yes. 

--- End quote ---

The real "SamanthaTheCat" has 6 beds last time I counted!! Animal lovers?????? ??? ??? ???

I heard somewhere that G-D loves dogs because they did'nt bark when the Jews left Mizraim [Egypt] anyway heres my buddy ALF


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