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Small thread with Jtf on StørmFrønt
Norton Internet Security has labelled this website as "intolerant".
--- Quote from: sarah.... on March 22, 2007, 06:53:10 PM ---Norton Internet Security has labelled this website as "intolerant".
--- End quote ---
Haha. Link?
I don't know, I used to post on StørmFrønt but I don't trust any of the mods whatsoever. Every week an old member leaves. I heard from old-time members that there are some horrific posts in the Moderator Forums (which only mods and a select few can view). Also I heard a news story about one of the SF mods getting busted:
I am 15 and am very anti-islam and anti-muslim. I hope to have a fun time at your forums. Although I found some very anti-white posts on here that were pretty disgusting (like some sand negro Iraqi claiming to be a jew and calling white people "japethetic idiots" or something like that).
--- Quote from: TruthTyper on March 27, 2007, 07:33:21 PM ---I don't know, I used to post on StørmFrønt but I don't trust any of the mods whatsoever. Every week an old member leaves. I heard from old-time members that there are some horrific posts in the Moderator Forums (which only mods and a select few can view). Also I heard a news story about one of the SF mods getting busted:
I am 15 and am very anti-islam and anti-muslim. I hope to have a fun time at your forums. Although I found some very anti-white posts on here that were pretty disgusting (like some sand negro Iraqi claiming to be a jew and calling white people "japethetic idiots" or something like that).
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You know, while it is OK to not like Islam. (I despise it as a religion. I feel it is nothing but hate.) It is still not right to hate the Arab. They ARE our cousins. (Not the Egyptians or Persians or Turks) but the rest are.
Still, it is as I've said in other threads. Every single human on the face of this planet was made in the image of Hashem. I have no doubt in my mind that at the last day, there will be righteous Arabs present.
Name calling and the use of foul language is the output of a weak mind. It is the output of someone who cannot think of anything uplifting to say.
I don't believe it is right to hate the Arabs, or the Muslims either. It IS right to hate their religion. It is a sham and a obvious counterfeit to what Hashem has already given mankind. It IS right to stand up to Arab nationalists (Who in believing their lie) try to disallow us from owning the land our G-d gave us before Islam was ever invented.
If they fight us, and try to kill us, we should defend ourselves and kill them if necessary.
But in no way should a Jew ever, and I do mean ever, disrespect a man' matter what race he belongs to....dignity. If you do this, you are following in the footsteps of those who over the millennia have refused to give we Jews the dignity we own by right of being members of the HUMAN race....
Yes, according to the bible you jews are cousins of the arabs. The lost tribes of israel migrated all over the middle east I believe. And jews, I've noticed, have a certain amount of arab mixture. Some jews I met look like arabs.
by the way, I should tell you I'm not a christian or a jew (obviously). However I do support Israel against the Pallestinians. Honestly, I wish to preserve the white race. The arabs are not native to North America or Europe as we "Whites" are. They are native to the Middle East and that is where they need to stay.
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