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Small thread with Jtf on StørmFrønt

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Yes, I would say it would get one killed or otherwise "silenced" if one advocated Zionism in any way, shape or form in Iran.

Truthtyper, the Iranian Jews arent allowed to leave, but some friends of mine are Jews from Iran and they are pretty hard-core Zionist. But when they were in Iran they needed to tow the Iranian government line so they wouldnt be killed.

I also wish to clarify a few things, this isnt a White Nationalist site. It is a Jewish Nationalist site with strong sympathy for positive cultures that arent Jewish. At this point that is basically certain segments of Western society.

We view all Jews as equal regardless of "race". And non-Jews who are righteous as being good regardless of race. That happens to be primarily limited to segments of Western society with ethnic connections.

We think outside of Eretz Yisrael the world belongs to the Goyim, Eretz Yisrael on the other hand belongs strictly to the Jewish people, and only the Jewish people. All Jews should move to Eretz Yisrael and Jews shouldnt hold positions of political power in the galut.

lol. yes I am fully aware this isn't a WN forum but a JEWish Nationalist forum. I came here because I found it interesting that not all jews were multiCulturilist.

--- Quote ---All Jews should move to Eretz Yisrael and Jews shouldnt hold positions of political power in the galut.
--- End quote ---

I can agree with that (being jews owning thier own land). But you know it'll probably never happen. The jews hold major political power in America, do you expect them to give it up and return to Israel?

I too agree that it will probably not fully 100% never happen.

I also disagree with Kahane Loyalist that Jews should not hold political office in the Galut. As long as Jews remain outside of Israel, there is nothing wrong, especially in a democratic Republic like the USA with a Jew holding office.

Come on..what about Joseph being second in  command of all Egypt? Sheesh!

An Iranian born friend of mine once told me that she read of Iranian Jews living in Israel wanting to go back to Iran.  There are all sorts of kooky types out there I guess.


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