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Fruit of thy loins:
Medical experts agree that it prevents disease and girls agree that it looks better cut.

What do white guys all over the world who are uncut do?

Do they abstain from sex or do they get the chop?


--- Quote from: Fruit of thy loins on March 22, 2007, 09:31:04 AM ---Medical experts agree that it prevents disease and girls agree that it looks better cut.

What do white guys all over the world who are uncut do?

Do they abstain from sex or do they get the chop?

--- End quote ---
Are you cut?

Fruit of thy loins:

--- Quote from: angryChineseManiac on March 22, 2007, 11:38:34 AM ---Are you cut?

--- End quote ---

I won't answer that question because I want to preserve my dignity.  But I will say this: I'm a white male gentile from Europe.  :)  And it's quite small, too.  I never used it in four years of university anyway so it doesn't matter.  No blondes got cervical cancer from me.  ;)

Fruit, you'e too funny. 

But if you want to preserve your dignity, why refer to yourself as "small?"  Or why even bring up size at all since this is supposed to be a forum for Bible believing Jews and righteous gentiles?


--- Quote from: Fruit of thy loins on March 22, 2007, 12:46:31 PM ---
--- Quote from: angryChineseManiac on March 22, 2007, 11:38:34 AM ---Are you cut?

--- End quote ---

I won't answer that question because I want to preserve my dignity. But I will say this: I'm a white male gentile from Europe. :) And it's quite small, too. I never used it in four years of university anyway so it doesn't matter. No blondes got cervical cancer from me. ;)

--- End quote ---
Fruit, you are such a fruit. I hope you're not a fruit. A fruit is a U.S. slang for fag - of course, you knew that.
Well, I'm uncut. So there.


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