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Sarah, the Lasek surgery was very expensive. $5,500 U.S. dollars to be exact. So I took out a loan. But the good thing is that the cost covers the surgery, follow up eye exams and meds for a year.
As people get older, their eyes get drier. And their natural tears are not always enough to keep the eyes lubricated. That's what happened to me. For years, I was able to wear contact lenses. But starting last year, the lenses became *very* uncomfortable. At first I thought it was because they were old. So I got a new pair, yet the discomfort continued. My ophthamalogist gave me some drops which did not help. Finally I decided to just get the surgery, as I was sick of contact lenses.
Now in terms of all the discomfort I experienced, that was due to the nature of the procedure. The doctor told me I was not a good candidate for LasIK and he recommend Epi-Lasek, or Lasek instead. The procedure I had is less invasive than Lasik, but much safer. The trade off is that the recovery time is longer than with Lasik.
Fruit, do you ever visit the U.S? If you're at all serious, and not just trying to get reactions out of people here, maybe you could see an American doctor during your trip.
Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Fruit, at the risk of offending our Jewish friends, I can't possibly advocate ANYONE getting this procedure done of their free will. It's completely unnecessary, very painful, and reduces sensation in the penis. There are some studies indicating a lowered STD risk for "cut" men, as there is no longer a pouch there to trap pathogens, but that's completely irrelevant if you stay pure before marriage.
I regret very much that I was circumcised as a newborn, especially since my family had absolutely no religious reason to do so. :(
Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
--- Quote from: Fruit of thy loins on March 22, 2007, 12:46:31 PM --- No blondes got cervical cancer from me. ;)
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Unless you have condylomata (HPV; the genital wart virus), this is not a possibility. Get tested if you are really that concerned. (Because it causes penile cancer too.)
Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
--- Quote from: Fruit of thy loins on March 22, 2007, 05:28:04 PM ---I caught a Christian preaching on the benefits of circumcision and it made me feel inferior.
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If this really happened, then he's as nutty as you are.
--- Quote ---A young gorgeous brunette at university once told me that circumcised guys transmit less diseases.
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She needs to stop worrying about what guys' wangs look like and be more concerned about what their sexual history is.
Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
--- Quote from: sarah.... on March 22, 2007, 06:03:46 PM ---It is better to be circumsised, disregarding religious reasons, just ethically. It is considered more pure but hey, if you weren't when you were younger then i guess its not your fault.
--- End quote ---
You are seriously claiming that a body part the Lord designed in men is morally wrong? WTF?
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