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Evil front page article in the Jewish Press


The long front page article entitled "The Liberator" by Paul Kengor wrote that President Regan was responsible for freeing Russian Jewry and it never even once menchaned R' Kahane Zs'l or Chaim for that matter.  What a disgrace!  The Jewish Press is a crappy paper now.  It veered far away from what it used to be when the Rav wrote for it. 


--- Quote from: jdl4ever on March 24, 2007, 09:40:37 PM ---The long front page article entitled "The Liberator" by Paul Kengor wrote that President Regan was responsible for freeing Russian Jewry and it never even once menchaned R' Kahane Zs'l or Chaim for that matter.  What a disgrace!  The Jewish Press is a crappy paper now.  It veered far away from what it used to be when the Rav wrote for it. 

--- End quote ---

Absolutely. The Jewish Press has become part of the cowardly, self-hating Jewish establishment.

I hate how so many Jews (including myself once upon a time) think Reagan was such a friend to the Jewish people. All anyone has to do is look at his record to understand what an enemy he was.

Recognition of a Fakestinian people, saving the PLO during the first Lebanon war, demanding that Pollard be railroaded. With friends like Reagan I dont need any enemies.

George H.W. Bush did no good in invading Kuwait.  If him and James Baker allowed Saddam to continue, there would have been a war between Saudia Arabia and Iraq.  Both countries would have been in a long war and then weakened afterward. 

Another big mistake:  While Iran was in a tough battle, that would have been a good time to try and overthrow their Jihad-sponsoring.  They had already starting their Hezbollah organization by the early 80's.     


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