I watched this video and it almost killed me of my own laughter at the stupidity of the Sheik.
How moronic is this guy?
Let me break it down for those of you haven't seen the clip yet.
In the mosque, four or five teenagers leave for the night locking the door to the door to the room they were using before they left. Harmless, right?
O.K., a little while later this Sheik comes into the mosque checks the door to the room, sees that it is locked. Then, he runs his hand along the top of the door, pushing in ever so slightly to see if it has any give room. Wait, I'm getting to the good part.
He walks off for a few moments, and then returns to kick down the door.
He then, proceeds to call the Australian police to report the vandalism of the mosque.
The Sheik helps the policeman with the preliminary investigation by implicating one of the Muslim teenagers who left earlier and locked the door behind them.
The next day this kid gets called in to the cops to be investigated for vandalism of the mosque.
Later, the Sheik contacts the cops and said that he and the leaders of the mosque have found the culprit and they are handling it internally.
Now, my favorite part of this little story, this idiotic Sheik was actually caught on tape kicking the door down in the mosque himself.
Now you guys tell me, could this Sheik be any more moronic?
When the Sheik was faced with the actual tape, he denied it, said the camera was a trick, and called the reporter a LIAR!
You know what? This stuff is so good, you can't make it up!!!
The hilarity and idiocy of this Muslim Sheik and his supporters is enough to convince you if you had any doubt about Radical Islam, if it is for you or not, and you are a sane individual. This clip will make it very clear, what moronic imbeciles these people are.
If you want a good laugh, this is the clip for you, I highly suggest it.