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Is there such a thing as an Arab Jew? Isn't Arab Jew an oxymoron?

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Mizrachi Jew:
Many belive that the Mizhari Jews are Arab converts into Jaudism, their is also a myth that Ashkenazi Jews are also decendants of the Khazars could you enlighten me please about where Mizhari or Mizarachi Jews come from? I heard we are the purest Israelites :D even Arabs belive that we are of Israelite decent.

Why do you give credit to this nonsense?  These so called theories are lies made up by arab anti semites. 

Mizrachi Jew:

--- Quote from: jdl4ever on March 25, 2007, 10:51:50 PM ---Why do you give credit to this nonsense?  These so called theories are lies made up by arab anti semites. 

--- End quote ---

I want to know the truth, because the truth has ben hidden from us for so long and now iam not giving the bastad Ishamelites credits to their theory.

Both Ashkenazim and Sephardim are pure Jews.  They look different since over hundreds (or thousands) of years a small percentage of the population of that area converted and they took on some of the charactaristics of that area because of this.  If 0.1 percent of the Jews are converts at any given time, over hundreds of years the effect is amplified and the race changes appearance.  The question is were the ancient jews more white like Ashkenazim or more tanned like the Sephardim.   I don't know.

It isnt relevant whether Jews have Goy ancestors or not, a Jew who converts is as Jewish as a Jew with a lineage all the way back to Avraham Avinu himself.


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