General Category > General Discussion hacked again by muslim nazis!

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jdl4ever:, the forum has been hacked again.  What the ****, it now gets hacked every week. 


--- Quote from: jdl4ever on March 26, 2007, 02:27:51 PM ---What the ****, it now gets hacked every week. 

--- End quote ---
I don'nt even think arabs do it i think it's pranksters

Din Rodef:
Maybe they need to move to a dedicated adult web hosting service.

Seriously, adult hosting services know how to keep hackers out. They are the best in the business.

They couldn't hack the main site, only the forum. I think the issue is the forum. They are using a free forum like this one, and it is easy to hack it. I'm afraid that once they hear about JTF, they will come here too.

I don't think moving it to a porn hoster is a good idea. It invites comparison from our enemies.
As for a free forum software: I have yet to see money for a better forum software.
They are probably using the same exploit, I wish someone made a log, and closed the bug.

Oh, and we know that it is some Arab, because it talks about how Americans "hacked lives".


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