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This week's show(3/25/07)
Joe Gutfeld:
This week's "Take Back America" show was very interesting. It's interesting on how the economics of the country works. I am getting a little tired of listening to Chaim bash blacks and the illegals all the time.
While I didn't get to hear the Take Back America show this week, I do have to say the constant talking about Blacks is not good. I CAN see how certain elements of the black community in the USA hurts the country as a whole. But one could easily say the same of "White Trash" southerners.
I DO see the economic burden of the Illegal aliens though. Having lived in Texas I definitely see some very bad things when it comes to illegal aliens.
I tell you what, a big deterrent more than deporting the illegals that are here, or putting them in jail, would be to just remove the jobs that they think they might get.
Bust the American corporations that hire illegal aliens and bust them hard. Put fines so steep they might go out of business if they didn't obey the law. Companies like Wal Mart etc. I think would really learn a good lesson from this. (And I wouldn't be sad to see Wal Mart go out of business anyway. I think they are bad for the local economies in which they establish their stores.)
Joe Gutfeld:
Well, maybe you can find the time to hear it on the website feed.
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