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Chaim is right again!
Din Rodef:
I love Chaim...and still can't find one time that he's been wrong
I also happen to support Congressman Tom Tancredo for US President in 2008, because I know that he has perfect Conservative and also Christian credentials.
BUT, Chaim has withheld endorsement of Tancredo's campaign because of the Congressman's ties with Bay Buchanan (Pat Buchanan's sister)
Today, I recieved an email from Tancredo verifying that Bay Buchanan is now the campaign's top advisor.
Chaim was right to be suspicious. Chaim is right again! That doesn't mean Tancredo isn't a good candidate. It just means that it isn't the right time for JTF to endorse him yet. I love that Chaim is still waiting to see. Chaim's careful patience is something we should all learn from.
I don't think Tancredo could make the jump to a Presidential candidate. The main reason for his campaign ties to Buchanan are because of Buchanan's strong support against illegal immigration.
"Tancredo founded the Team America political action committee in 2004 in order to collect contributions for immigration restriction-inclined congressional representatives and candidates. Due to campaign law requirements, he had to resign after founding the Team America PAC. The current chair is Angela Marie "Bay" Buchanan, sister of pundit Pat Buchanan."
Joe Gutfeld:
Rudy is the best candidate for president
Rudy does seem to have the best shot at 08 however in all honesty I think he would be very much like Bush II. Bush would have been a good president except for the fact is that he basically had liberal leanings from day one. We bought apples and got oranges with Bush. In Rudy's case its more up front and out in the open so like Flip Willson use to say on his TV show, What you see is what you get! Flip use to say that when he got dressed up as Charleen and in a way thats funny because Rudy got dressed up in drag a few times also. Seriously Rudy concerns me on illegal immigration if he makes some consesions he intents to keep on that issue and stops the garbage about having his wife in cabinet meetings he may have a good shot at the presidency.
Din Rodef:
--- Quote from: Joe Gutfeld on March 30, 2007, 07:40:03 PM ---Rudy is the best candidate for president
--- End quote ---
Hi Joe
I've gotta disagree with you on this. Rudy is pro-illegal immigration. He turned NYC into a sanctuary city for illegals during his reign as mayor
This may not be the biggest issue(yet) to most GOP voters...but it is a big deal to the Conservative base of the party (especially in the Southwest). The base decides who will win the 2008 presidential primaries. So Rudy has little chance of winning the primaries unless he is able to "court" the base.
Rudy has a great shot of being president but he would have to run as a 3rd party candidate. I don't believe he can win the 2008 GOP primaries in this current political climate.
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