Author Topic: Pan Aryan Alliance an evil White supermacist anti-Semitic organiztion  (Read 11589 times)

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Offline Mizrachi Jew

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Pan Aryan Alliance is made up of White supermacist who hate Jews more than anthying infact their is Jewish studies section! It's made up of Iranian,Armeniean, Georgian, and the usual European scum. If you log in you see the Jewish studies sub-fouram, but when your not logged in you don't see it, we must fight this anti-Semitic organztion.

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Pan Aryan Alliance an evil White supermacist anti-Semitic organiztion
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2007, 09:40:03 AM »
Wells taught that the Aryans originally came from the forests of northern Europe, were blonde-haired and blue-eyed, very savage, given to theft, given to excessive drinking and were sexually loose.

Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?


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Re: Pan Aryan Alliance an evil White supermacist anti-Semitic organiztion
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2007, 04:13:48 PM »
I think that I am right in saying that the first Europids were of the old Meditteranean race, who would have been more closely related to the Aryans than Europeans are today.

There are very few of the old Mediterraneans left in Europe. Just a few traces scattered here and there.

I pay as little attention as I can to anti-Semitic groupings like the Pan Aryan Alliance. If they identify with each other through anti-Semitism and that really is their 'bag' then you are best leaving them alone.

I am not keen on the ideology of multiculturalism or any of the other gubbins which is causing problems, but I cannot spend too much time on their fora. I left StørmFrønt after being 'accused' of being a Jew.

I think that what these folks are looking for is an alternative to Creation Theory (Tanach) and Charles Darwin, and they feel threatened by Jewish religious and political thought.

The Europid peoples did have a common ancestor which, according to theories which I subscribe to, broke away from the African herd in an event referred to as the 'The Great Separation'. As a white Northern European, I do find this romantic.

I wonder if what triggers the anti-Semitism of these groupings is that they resent the existence of a people whose theory of the history of mankind challenges their own mythologies?

Offline Lisa

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Re: Pan Aryan Alliance an evil White supermacist anti-Semitic organiztion
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2007, 04:47:11 PM »
Being of Iranian ancestry myself, I had to take a good look at that Iranian white nationalist site.  People tell me I don't look Iranian at all.   Also, quite a few of my relatives on my mother's side are very light haired with either blue or green eyes. 

But anyway, there are few things I don't understand about these people.  They talk about Zoroastrianism which I thought was kind of montheistic.  But they sounded more like pagans to me. 

Also, if these Iranians are so set on getting the Muslims, whom they dislike, out of their country, why do they then side with moozie "palewhinians" against Jews in Israel?  If they want Iran to be Aryan/Zoroastrian, why can't Israel be all Jewish? 

Regarding the Nordic aryans, the author Leon Uris wrote about them in his book
  He opined that the Germans were pagans deep down, despite professing to be Christians.  He made some references to violent ancient Germanic myths/legends. 

It's been years since I read the book.  But his point seemed to be that the Jews were always hated by the Germans because they introduced the concept of one G-d who had strict rules. 


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Re: Pan Aryan Alliance an evil White supermacist anti-Semitic organiztion
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2007, 09:08:20 PM »
Zoroastrianism was originally polytheistic and actually influenced the Torah. Thus, they influenced all of the Abrahamic Faiths.

What is a Europid? Europeans came from Asia, not Africa. They are so Anti-Semitic, they even will listen to the Afro-Centric crap to fulfill their agendas.
Weren't the indo-europeans in the caucasus mountains or something like that. I'm seriously not too good at early history.

As for the Pan Aryan Alliance. They are good people. They rebell against the insane ideology of Nordicism and/or "Medicism". Are they anti-semetic? yes, some. But what do you expect from a white nationalist forum.

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Pan Aryan Alliance an evil White supermacist anti-Semitic organiztion
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2007, 09:51:51 AM »
Yacov Menashe,

I mentioned Wells because I wanted to demonstrate how people cling on to their historical theories out of sentimentality rather than reason.  100 years ago the average intellectual of Europe thought whites came out of trees in the north and were originally blonde.  Then after the Civil RIghts/Negro Supremacist movement Europeans thought that they were related to Africans and came out of Africa.  Even children's books teach this abominable theory that Caucasians are direct descendants of the black race.

But your theory that whites were independently created of black hominids remains my favourite explanation.  If whites were simply a mutated form of negro then knowledge of this would make life intolerable.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline BabylonianJew

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Re: Pan Aryan Alliance an evil White supermacist anti-Semitic organiztion
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2007, 12:00:10 PM »
Yacov Menashe,

I mentioned Wells because I wanted to demonstrate how people cling on to their historical theories out of sentimentality rather than reason.  100 years ago the average intellectual of Europe thought whites came out of trees in the north and were originally blonde.  Then after the Civil RIghts/Negro Supremacist movement Europeans thought that they were related to Africans and came out of Africa.  Even children's books teach this abominable theory that Caucasians are direct descendants of the black race.

But your theory that whites were independently created of black hominids remains my favourite explanation.  If whites were simply a mutated form of negro then knowledge of this would make life intolerable.

The Blacks are decendant of Ham, Shem dark Caucasiods, Japeith father of Mongoliod Aryan Caucasiods.


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Re: Pan Aryan Alliance an evil White supermacist anti-Semitic organiztion
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2007, 07:46:42 PM »
Mongoliod Aryan Caucasiods.
err what? Are you saying the chinese and europeans are more closely related than the Europeans and Arabs?


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Re: Pan Aryan Alliance an evil White supermacist anti-Semitic organiztion
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2007, 04:42:44 PM »
What is a Europid? Europeans came from Asia, not Africa. They are so Anti-Semitic, they even will listen to the Afro-Centric crap to fulfill their agendas.

I follow Carleton Coon. Have you ever come across his book 'The Races of Europe'?

Europids, according to Coon, (yes, that really was his surname...  :P ) range from Irano-Afghan, Armenoid (often the physically visible Jewish element in European-Jewish people, very common in parts of Italy) through to central European Alpinids and so on and so forth.

Most Physical Anthros today follow Coon, and the geographical distributions of the sub-races correlates with the distributions of the various genetic haplotypes. They were determined through looking at skull shapes and identifying racial archetypes.

I cannot imagine how we resolve this against what the bible teaches us, and I do not try, but I find it fascinating.

I am warying of offending the believers on the forum, but I suppose that you can look at Coon's work (Yeah, I know, it's pure comedy... :P ) and see a post-Babel scenario. I would imagine that European Anthropologists saw how primitive many Africans were and assumed that we evolved from them in a Darwinian fashion.

For myself, I will try to stay open-minded, but I'll draw the line at Madame Blavatsky's wacko theories, if you dont mind!!!

Looks like the chaps on the Pan Aryan Alliance Forum are buying into all that occultish nonsense.

Lisa, I see your point, and the anti-Jewish element in all of this is strange and bizarre, but then again, you challenge their ideas and rip their world apart by your very existence. I think that is why they are offended by Jews, Israel, Judaism...
« Last Edit: March 29, 2007, 04:45:27 PM by sat_chit_anand »


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Re: Pan Aryan Alliance an evil White supermacist anti-Semitic organiztion
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2007, 12:13:16 PM »
The Torah is G-d given and is not influenced by any goy religions. Besides, The Torah predates Zoroastrianism by about one millennium.

My mistake. You have to understand I learned this in school (which isn't too trustworthy ofcourse).

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Re: Pan Aryan Alliance an evil White supermacist anti-Semitic organiztion
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2007, 09:19:49 PM »
This is funny how they go out of their way to tolerate all Caucasians as "aryan" except for Jews.  They are inclusive if you are not a Jew, but exclusive if you are Jew.  There is no ideological consistency there.


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Re: Pan Aryan Alliance an evil White supermacist anti-Semitic organiztion
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2007, 08:24:48 AM »
So what is the difference between a Europid and a Caucasoid?

Probably just a semantic difference. One has to remember that this is still an area of scientific research, and that nothing is fixed at all. This is not godly knowledge.

We have to resolve genetic archaeology against what is now regarded by many (and not just the Frank'n'furter schoolers, followers of Franz Boas, Margaret Meade et al) as pseudo-scientific.

However, the sub-racial groupings defined physically last century do correlate with genetics, quite closely. It can be fascinating, but it must never become Alpha and Omega.

The fact this the forum in question is so anti-Semitic, to my mind, makes it look like something run and operated by the security services, because really, it is sooo off the wall. Not even serious 'academic' anti-Semitic Nazis would take that kind of crap seriously.

It is probably a honey trap, albeit an ideologically dangerous one.

Offline BabylonianJew

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Re: Pan Aryan Alliance an evil White supermacist anti-Semitic organiztion
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2007, 03:09:25 PM »
Caucasiod usually includes all of the races that look phsyical like Europeans, but Europid might mean European sub-races the Nordic,Alpine,and Med. The non-European Caucasiods include the Saharid(Bebers, Egyptians), Egyptid(Egyptians), Arabid(Gluf Arabs,Iraqi Jews, Beduins), Irano-Afghans(Pasthuns, Persians, Azeris), NordIndid(Gypsies,Northern Indians, Pakis).

Offline BabylonianJew

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Re: Pan Aryan Alliance an evil White supermacist anti-Semitic organiztion
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2007, 08:16:21 PM »
I thought all the Non-European Caucasians are considered to be Mediterranean Caucasians.

they are the adapted Mediterranean Caucasiods, for example the Arabid adopted in the harsh desert of Arabia, the Irano-Afghan adopted in to the Central Asian climate

Offline BabylonianJew

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Re: Pan Aryan Alliance an evil White supermacist anti-Semitic organiztion
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2007, 01:48:55 PM »
So what are Jews? Israel is on The Mediterranean Sea itself. I think we are just plain Mediterranean Caucasians just like Southern Europeans are.

The Jews original form were Arabids ie Orintealid Caucasiod, this common among the Shepardic Jews. Ashkenazi Jews are most Armeniods and Alpines. The Jews have mixed with mostly Caucasiod types, Ashkenazis might have little traces of Mongoliod blood from the Khazars, and Mizharis might have little Negriod blood but their in tiny amounts they did not alter the racial make up. In genearal Jews would Arabid-Armeniod-Apline stock.

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Re: Pan Aryan Alliance an evil White supermacist anti-Semitic organiztion
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2007, 11:25:56 PM »
I don't think you should divide Jews racially. All Jews are Mediterranean unless they come from converts or Non-Jewish fathers.

well the Mediterranean races has evolved into the Arabid,Irano-Afghan, and Armeniod depending on the climate. Shepardics are mostly Meditteranean of the Arabid varient, Ashkenazis are mostly Armeniod. Ashkenazis usually carry an Alpine strain. All Jews are Caucasiod, even Bene Israel Jews their IndoNordid Caucasiods of the Meditteranean variety.

Offline mord

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Re: Pan Aryan Alliance an evil White supermacist anti-Semitic organiztion
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2007, 11:36:50 PM »
Mongoliod blood from the Khazars
  Many scientists today don'nt consider Khazars turkic as the description of the khazars differd greatly ,many describe them as a mixed group some were vey tall and red haired others were smaller and darker skinned like people of India.may scientist now classify them as racially related to the finno ugaric people..Finns
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline mord

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Re: Pan Aryan Alliance an evil White supermacist anti-Semitic organiztion
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2007, 11:54:48 PM »
Mongoliod blood from the Khazars
  Many scientists today don'nt consider Khazars turkic as the description of the khazars differd greatly ,many describe them as a mixed group some were vey tall and red haired others were smaller and darker skinned like people of India.may scientist now classify them as racially related to the finno ugaric people..Finns

Hungarians are also related to Finns. They both speak a Ural-Altaic language, separate from Indo-European languages. These languages are distantly related to Oriental languages such as Japanese and Korean. All the groups I mentioned are Japhetic.

Your right but finns or hungarians don'nt look oriental but finns really look different the swedes norwegians and danes my friend from norway told me,he really does'nt like finns too much
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline BabylonianJew

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Mongoliod blood from the Khazars
  Many scientists today don'nt consider Khazars turkic as the description of the khazars differd greatly ,many describe them as a mixed group some were vey tall and red haired others were smaller and darker skinned like people of India.may scientist now classify them as racially related to the finno ugaric people..Finns

even Arthur Koselter describes the Khazars a powerful tribe of Turko-Finnic orgins, in his book the Thriteenth tribe their was the  White Khazars which had red hair common among them, and the Black Khazars. The Black Khazars were dark skined, and had the features of the NorIndid race, and according to him defend paganism from Jaudic faith, ultametly the Black Khazars became the Azeris of today.

Offline BabylonianJew

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Mongoliod blood from the Khazars
  Many scientists today don'nt consider Khazars turkic as the description of the khazars differd greatly ,many describe them as a mixed group some were vey tall and red haired others were smaller and darker skinned like people of India.may scientist now classify them as racially related to the finno ugaric people..Finns

Hungarians are also related to Finns. They both speak a Ural-Altaic language, separate from Indo-European languages. These languages are distantly related to Oriental languages such as Japanese and Korean. All the groups I mentioned are Japhetic.

Your right but finns or hungarians don'nt look oriental but finns really look different the swedes norwegians and danes my friend from norway told me,he really does'nt like finns too much

Finns have alot of Mongoliod blood from the Sami peoples. They were considered sub-humans by the Nazi regime do to this also with Slavs who have strong Mongol blood. Strong Semitic blood correlates in Southern Europe

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Yes but the nazis accepted them into the real ss not only the waffen ss where almost anyone was accepted.The Germans also admired the fighting ability and courage of the finns.BTW finns never turned over a single Jew to nazis
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline BabylonianJew

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Yes but the nazis accepted them into the real ss not only the waffen ss where almost anyone was accepted.The Germans also admired the fighting ability and courage of the finns.BTW finns never turned over a single Jew to nazis

Nazis had even Japenese and East Indians serving the armies. Hilter also stated Arabs to be honorary "Aryans", according to him the Arabs were of an Aryan past who intermarried with inferior Semities.

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He also had Jews at the highest ranks
« Last Edit: May 01, 2007, 04:59:29 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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