What is a Europid? Europeans came from Asia, not Africa. They are so Anti-Semitic, they even will listen to the Afro-Centric crap to fulfill their agendas.
I follow Carleton Coon. Have you ever come across his book 'The Races of Europe'?
Europids, according to Coon, (yes, that really was his surname...

) range from Irano-Afghan, Armenoid (often the
physically visible Jewish element in European-Jewish people, very common in parts of Italy) through to central European Alpinids and so on and so forth.
Most Physical Anthros today follow Coon, and the geographical distributions of the sub-races correlates with the distributions of the various genetic haplotypes. They were determined through looking at skull shapes and identifying racial archetypes.
I cannot imagine how we resolve this against what the bible teaches us, and I do not try, but I find it fascinating.
I am warying of offending the believers on the forum, but I suppose that you can look at Coon's work (Yeah, I know, it's pure comedy...

) and see a post-Babel scenario. I would imagine that European Anthropologists saw how primitive many Africans were and assumed that we evolved from them in a Darwinian fashion.
For myself, I will try to stay open-minded, but I'll draw the line at Madame Blavatsky's wacko theories, if you dont mind!!!
Looks like the chaps on the Pan Aryan Alliance Forum are buying into all that occultish nonsense.
Lisa, I see your point, and the anti-Jewish element in all of this is strange and bizarre, but then again, you challenge their ideas and rip their world apart by your very existence. I think that is why they are offended by Jews, Israel, Judaism...