Hi Chaim,
I am 'גם בשן וגם גִלעד' from the Hebrew forum.
I've already posted my 2 questions on the Hebrew "Ask JTF" for this week (note to everybody that on the Hebrew forum we can still have 2 questions per poster). I hope It's okay for me to post here too, as I noticed some of the English forum members do on our forum. By the way, I'm really interested in that kind of engagement. I find this interaction between both forum members extremely attractive and exciting. I've just had my first week at the English forum, and I was fascinated and impressed by the people there and by the great deal of spiritual inspiration that they share.
I deeply sense we should all get more involved with one another, despite the barrier of the language. We could learn from each other! I'm sure it would be fun.. Wouldn't that be great!
Hence, with your permission Chaim, I would like to call on members of the English forum to come to the Hebrew forum (and vice versa), to register and to take full participation in the excellent discussions we're having. Keep in mind that most Israelis do basically speak fair English, for the simple reason that the English language is considered "a required / obligated lesson" by the Education System in our country. Every student starts to have English lessons in school by the age of eight.
So everybody's invited! I'm sure both forums' exchanging ideas in both languages would be a lot of fun. We would all benefit from that and it would make the discussions more interesting, vital and productive.
Now for my question...:

(Staying on the same subject..

) :
I was wondering about your Hebrew resources. When and where did you learn your Hebrew? Who was your Hebrew teacher? Obviously he or she did a great job with you.. Your Hebrew is quite fluent, and your rhetoric and style of speech is strongly preserved in your Hebrew speaking!

The most impressive and surprising thing to me (as a fan of the Hebrew language), was your outstanding level of knowledge in Hebrew Grammar and your being so precise, and accurate in Hebrew pronunciation. I mean, you literally implement every rule and regulation there is for Hebrew Grammar while speaking! This is just AMAZING to me! HOW DO YOU DO THIS? How do you get along with all the regulations, even at your most fiery??!!, and still talk fluently without making mistakes at all, without missing one beat?!
Your Hebrew is more correct than that of the announcers and the broadcasters on the Royal radio stations here!!!
Actually, politicians in the Knesset will feel illiterate near you when you come to Israel (Ken Yehi Ratzon), because none of them can ever come close to your high standards in Hebrew pronunciation, whereas THEY (the politicians) are supposed to be NATIVES.....
(In other words, they'd better start to talk Hebrew right!

I happen to be a fan of the Hebrew language, so I am sort of more aware of the regulations that you implement while talking than the average Hebrew speaker; and I refer to the Hebrew language as a "Holy Language", which I know you do too. Moreover, I got the impression that you share some kind of a "respective manner" towards LANGUAGES IN GENERAL. I've seen you once correcting another person's
ENGLISH in one of the videos!
As you use to say all the time (and you're right), the Bolshevik media here in Israel is constantly brainwashing everybody, and so I've been raised to think that the more you're a right wing voter - the more likely you're illitarate, uneducated, retarded, with a low-IQ (and so on)..
But then- Chaim came and broke all this entire unjust axiomatic stigma to pieces! At last, for the first time I don't need to feel ashamed for having a logical way of thinking and for saying what is true, right and just.
Keep up the good work Chaim, and be'ezrat HaShem you will make Aliya! We are all waiting for you with crossed fingers.

Yours truely,
Gam Bashan veGam Gil'ad.
I want to thank 'kahaneloyalist' for his assistance with my English.