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Sean Penns father nazi/communist self hating jew

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Fruit of thy loins:
Trotsky was great, as was Lenin.  Things only started going downhill with Stalin.

Yes Stalin was the otherside of the Hitler coin

How is Germany not a  good country?

umm so he says that Germany is a great nation with a fantastic history (yes very true) and this makes him a self-hater. Ever hear of the Holy Roman Empire? How about the Frankish Empire? Or how about Nazi Germany that put up a hell of a fight against the USSR, USA, Great Britain, etc...

Like it or not, Germany is a great nation with a fascinating history.
oh and ROFL how can you be a National Socialist and a Communist??? WTF?? LOL.

Din Rodef:

--- Quote from: TruthTyper on March 27, 2007, 07:23:35 PM ---oh and ROFL how can you be a National Socialist and a Communist??? WTF?? LOL.

--- End quote ---

Ok let me hold your hand and explain

The National Socialists in Germany were in ALLIANCE with the Communists in Russia during the invasion of Poland.

Germany and Russia conspired to divide Poland.

But after Poland was conquered, Germany broke the alliance and launched an invasion of Russia.

Get it now?


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