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Moslem brothers in Belgian repeatedly rape 13yr old belgian girl



--- Quote ---Brothers arrested for rape
22 March 2007

BRUSSELS - The juvenile court in Bruges has placed three brothers from Middelkerke in custody for the rape of a 13-year-old girl. The boys, aged 15, 16 and 17, raped the girl from their neighbourhood repeatedly over the course of a year.

The facts came to light when the mother of the victim suspected something notified the police. The authorities arrested the three boys and brought them before the juvenile court.

The boys are of Muslim background and when questioned said they would never have raped the girl had she been Muslim.

The eldest has been placed in the juvenile detention centre in Everburg. The two other brothers will remain in the juvenile facility in Ruiselede.

--- End quote ---

Fruit of thy loins:

Din Rodef:
A vigilante posse should be formed to castrate those sick Muslim Nazi rapists.


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