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'conservative 'cemetery to admit fags

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What are you?

I was brought of Orthodox but when i joined the U.S. military i became less orthodox .But i lean towards orthodox still


--- Quote from: Sarah on March 27, 2007, 05:08:23 PM ---Lol i was getting confused, myself. Its fitting.
It sickens me when religious groups/organizations begin to tolerate evil. Its worse the encouraging but in this case it is encouraging, as they are allowing them special circumstances and approving of them to mix amongst a religious society. The jews there better rebel against it and teach these gays a lesson. Unless conservative means liberal in America...

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I personally was raised in a Conservative background. I have since rather moved away from it in some regards. I don't think necessarily towards the Orthodox stance...but more politically and yeah, even more religiously conservative than the "Conservative" movement in the States.

I would tend to say that there is very little room to argue that the Torah She BiCh'sav condemns homosexuality. Any "movement"...whether it belongs to a liberal branch such as Reform, or an Ultra Conservative Branch like the Hassidim...that breaks with what the Torah actually says and imposes their own rules is in error in my opinion.

(For those that wonder...I hold the Torah She BiCh'sav to be Torah. The Torah She Baal Peh, I don't hold as highly in regard.) I'm not a Karaite, but I have begun looking in that direction personally.


--- Quote from: Sarah on March 27, 2007, 05:08:23 PM ---Lol i was getting confused, myself. Its fitting.
It sickens me when religious groups/organizations begin to tolerate evil. Its worse the encouraging but in this case it is encouraging, as they are allowing them special circumstances and approving of them to mix amongst a religious society. The jews there better rebel against it and teach these gays a lesson. Unless conservative means liberal in America...

--- End quote ---

It's probably confusing for non-Jews but a lot of the people now in the Conservative Movement are liberals. 

The conservative movement was founded as a traditional movement and to follow the Torah and halakah.  Gradually during the last couple decades, liberals (including feminists) have been hijacking the movement. 

The reform movement doesn't give Torah or halakah a priority.  Liberals are insecure and so some of them joined the conservative movement so they could tell themselves that they follow Torah and halakah.  Now, these liberals are basically trying to replicate the reform movement. 


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