This poll pertains to the majority of Israelis who aren't actual Feces Now or B'Tselem kapos, but are secular, lean to the left, and generally support whatever the Bolshevik regimes of Israel do. These people may not be deliberately evil, because they are just brainwashed and don't really know better, but still passively contribute to everything terrible that the government does. These are the people who think, naively or not, that surrendering Judea/Samaria to the Arabs will "bring peace" and that they deserve a "Fakestinian state", even though privately they know the Muzzies do indeed want to kill them. These are the people who went along with the freeing of Samir Kuntar in the name of "bringing closure" to the Goldwasser/Regev families and supported "Defense" Minister Ehud Barak's stormtrooper tactics against the heroic "religious radical" demonstrators at the Peace House. These are the people who want to forget all about war, fighting, and what Zionism really means just so that they can lead their lives undisturbed and retire early. These are the people who "don't have the stomach" (to use Chaim's term) to just throw the Arabs out of the Holy Land.
Some of these people definitely would turn to Kahanism and Hayamin if they were really exposed to the message, but others never will and will always be a thorn in our side. I think we should offer these Israeli semi-leftists compensation to leave Israel if they oppose Kahanism and do not want to do what the Bible commands them to do to save themselves. What do you think?