Everyone do your part, join the NRA today. I also recently joined Jews for Preservation of Firearm Ownership (JFPO). So far, the NRA and strong support for private gun ownership of citizens has scared these liberal pansie boys silly. But you know Barry Hussein has got some tricks under his sleeve. Watch out for this smiley faced weasel, I call him the "grin" reaper, since he takes souls to hell with that evil grin. We have to be strong and not cower before our G-d hating, dehumanizing, braindead enemy, the liberal/black power and national socialist front. Let these goons know if they are gonna ban our guns, we will bring back the glory of our Founding Fathers and reclaim our country which they have robbed, raped and pillaged. Just remember, USA is occupied by communist and black radicals. Likewise, Israel is occupied, by arab jihadis and liberal euro-nazis. You know what I always say, END THE ISRAELI OCCUPTION, KICK ALL ARABS OUT OF ISRAEL! KICK ALL COMMIE AND BLACK RADICALS OUT OF USA, send them to mexico, africa, or Europe.