Author Topic: Croat Nazi on Zootube accuses Israel & the Jewish people of "GENOCIDE"  (Read 718 times)

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Shalom JTF brothers & sisters,

There is a Croat Ustasha Nazi apologist by the name of ZGhrvatskaDU accusing Israel and the Jewish people of "Genocide" against the Fakestinian Arabs in Israel, on the comments section of this JTF video on Zootube.

If you have a Zootube account, please give this Croat Ustasha Nazi pig a piece of your mind as I have already done.

Here is this Nazi pig's Zootube channel page

Please respond to this Nazi liar and please don't forget to rate and share this great JTF video by Chaim which exposes the Ustasha Nazi Croats - who are not only Holocaust deniers and apologists for the bloodthirsty Ustasha Nazi regime in Croatia - but clearly enemies of Israel and the Jewish people.