This quotation comes from a Canadian history textbook. Apparently, American textbooks are no better. To say the least, this is a revisionist and mitigating apologia. To say the most, it is evil and treasonous propaganda.
"Six weeks after the suicide bombings [of 9/11], the United States invaded Afghanistan when its government refused to surrender Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda, a terrorist organization that appeared to be responsible for 9/11." 1
The implication of this statement of course is that Al Qaeda only appeared to be responsible for the attacks. Given the conspiratorial discourse surrounding 9/11, this statement only adds to these despicable and hideous conspiracy theories. Shame on Conrad and Finkel for adding to it.
1. Margaret Conrad and Alvin Finkel, History of the Canadian Peoples, vol. 2, 1867 to the Present, fifth edition (Toronto: Pearson/Longman, 2009), p. 445.