Author Topic: in your heart you know we're right...  (Read 3794 times)

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Offline Maccabi

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in your heart you know we're right...
« on: March 28, 2007, 01:12:19 PM »
"In your heart you know we're right...and in your guts you know they're nuts"

I have to say I don't think this is the most effective marketing slogan.

I know it has been a long standing tradition to close shows and articles with it, but I really don't think it is an effective call to action.

Wasn't that line also used by Goldwater?

I think it may be one of the weakest points of JTF's fundraising efforts.

How about something new and original and rousing...

Maybe we should explore some alternatives...Post yours here if you have any.

I was thinking something like:

"With or without your help, God will establish Israel, but it can one of two ways. The easy way, if we band together and take action now of our own decision...or the hard way, through fear and destruction and possibly the deaths of millions...

Are you going to sit there, in apathy? Or are you going to join us to help avert the disaster and take the glorious road to victory? Make a commitment today. Show your support with a donation.  Your money will help the righteous Hilltop communities resist the treacherous surrender of Israel's land.  Funds will also be used to build online Yeshivas which are teaching true Torah Judaism and building the ideological foundations and strength it will take to win. 

The future of America and Western civilization depends on the outcome of this situation!

Remember...A share in the struggle is a share in the glory...Invest now in a better future, for Israel and Western civilization. You can donate to JTF with any major credit card at our site WWW.JTF.ORG. or you can visit the site for our postal address to send a check.  You can also join in the discussion at our forum at JTF.ORG/E

Anyways, that isn't very succinct, but as far as raising money, I think the current closing line is not effective at all.  Thoughts? Post your ideas here if you have any.

BTW: I like the current set and I think the production quality is just fine. I even think Chaim dresses ok.
I like the set the way it is because it shows that it is the real deal and not some bloated bureacracy run by establishment Jews.

I personally think if any film experts want to contribute, it might be better to do independant work towards videos that have the specific purpose of raising funds.

Offline dawntreader

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Re: in your heart you know we're right...
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2007, 01:20:15 PM »
Are you going to sit there, in apathy? Or are you going to join us to help avert the disaster and take the glorious road to victory? Make a commitment today. Show your support with a donation.  Your money will help the righteous Hilltop communities resist the treacherous surrender of Israel's land.  Funds will also be used to build online Yeshivas which are teaching true Torah Judaism and building the ideological foundations and strength it will take to win.

This is the best one. It makes a specific call to action which is what donors need to hear.

You are free, of course to disagree with the notion that Chaim's shows need to be higher end in quality.

I think they need to be of higher production value AND I agree with your idea that indie film professionals (like myself) could also help with putting out slick ads for fundraising purposes. Who cares if establishment people were behind things? The goal is to get people with Kahanist political views into power yes? Then by hook or by crook (More by hook and less by crook) the job needs to get done.

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Offline Maccabi

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Re: in your heart you know we're right...
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2007, 02:19:31 PM »
I kind of like the whole 'resistance' feel to the show.

But who knows...maybe we can see a sample of your work and how you might apply it to JTF to make it better.  I could only agree with you if I saw a side by side comparison (maybe of YouTube size videos).

I don't think production quality would increase network distribution too much though... Chaim is too un-PC for most networks.   

Offline dawntreader

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Re: in your heart you know we're right...
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2007, 02:57:42 PM »
I agree the "resistance" feel to the show is a little cool. But again...the goal (I would think) is not to remain the "resistance". The goal is to come into power, thereby becoming the majority.

To do that, you must project yourself as if you WERE the voice of the majority, EVE IF YOU ARE NOT. Perception is everything. Have you never heard that you only get one chance to make a first impression?

Think of all the people out there who perhaps have not heard the Kahanist political viewpoints. I, for one actually had never really given it any thought whatsoever until just a few short months ago when Kahanist Loyalist posted a comment on one of my blogs on Myspace.

Now that I have done some research, I do find that I am more inclined to agree with a lot of the political statements and goals of the Kahanist movement. (Although I do NOT like a lot of the racism I see toward black people here. Somehow I don't think Chaim talks like alot of the posters on this forum, and if he does...shame on him too.)

What I see as positive is the goal of a Greater Land of Israel. And I don't see a lot of people genuinely taking a stand for what they believe. I think Chaim puts his actions where his mouth is and so I respect that.
But I do know a lot about politics, and I do know a lot about film and media and how it is essential in today's campaigns. I think Kahanists would be foolish not to capitalize on current trends and technology which is readily available.
Victory is a thing of the will. -General Ferdinand Foch

Our peace must be a peace of victors, not of the vanquished.
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Offline dawntreader

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Re: in your heart you know we're right...
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2007, 02:59:12 PM »
maybe we can see a sample of your work and how you might apply it to JTF to make it better.

You can see examples of my work here:
Victory is a thing of the will. -General Ferdinand Foch

Our peace must be a peace of victors, not of the vanquished.
- General Ferdinand Foch

We have met the enemy and they are ours.
- Oliver Hazard Perry

Offline Lubab

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Re: in your heart you know we're right...
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2007, 12:05:13 AM »
You are truly talented. You need to get together with Oz77 (see his islam video on the site) and together you guys can do wonders. JTF needs your talent badly.

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Offline Asymmetry

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Re: in your heart you know we're right...
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2007, 11:04:34 PM »
I believe that although ironic, "resistance" is something frowned upon in America.  I mean look at the "rebels" in America today.  They are the same kids that skateboard, watch MTV and spray paint Anarchy symbols and hammer and sycles right next to one another.  When I think of rabble rousing slogans that contain terms like "glorious road to victory" I think of communist propaganda, not people trying to save their own nation and society.  I believe that one of Chaim's greatest strengths when he speaks is it is apparent that he has an incredible knowledge on all topics he comments upon, and also to be frank, he makes me laugh.  I am not one to laugh easily but for years now the JTF programs had both educated me and made me laugh hysterically more times then I can remember.

Offline Shlomo

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Re: in your heart you know we're right...
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2007, 11:38:33 PM »
maybe we can see a sample of your work and how you might apply it to JTF to make it better.

You can see examples of my work here:

Nice work, man.
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Offline Maccabi

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Re: in your heart you know we're right...
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2007, 11:45:14 PM »
I believe that although ironic, "resistance" is something frowned upon in America.  I mean look at the "rebels" in America today.  They are the same kids that skateboard, watch MTV and spray paint Anarchy symbols and hammer and sycles right next to one another.  When I think of rabble rousing slogans that contain terms like "glorious road to victory" I think of communist propaganda, not people trying to save their own nation and society.  I believe that one of Chaim's greatest strengths when he speaks is it is apparent that he has an incredible knowledge on all topics he comments upon, and also to be frank, he makes me laugh.  I am not one to laugh easily but for years now the JTF programs had both educated me and made me laugh hysterically more times then I can remember.

yeah I think you're right.  my ideas weren't so good as far as this goes but I haven't been a huge fan of the current slogan.  Whatever though it actually sounds ok and I did not realize he has been using it for a decade.

however, maybe some other calls to action other than "In your heart you know we're right, and in your guts you know they're nuts..." might help for print ads on the internet.

the only reason I bring it up is because the articles on the website and the audio on the shows are so brilliant and insightful, I can't understand why people wouldn't be giving more money.

I work in sales and have studied copywriting, so for example, the importance of a great headline can't be underestimated. Similarly, I think the call to action is a crucial point of the whole marketing process.

Offline Shlomo

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Re: in your heart you know we're right...
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2007, 12:40:59 AM »
I studied advertising design and work for an advertising firm and the slogan has to be short (the shorter - the better), meaningful, simple, and catchy.

It's short, simple, has a lot of meaning that fits JTF, and it rhymes. If we were to think of another slogan, it would have to be at least better in multiple ways.

I, actually, like the original slogan. Does it sound weird to you? What about it do you not like?
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

Offline Maccabi

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Re: in your heart you know we're right...
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2007, 01:21:01 AM »
I don't particularly like it.  First of all it isn't original is it?? (wasn't it the slogan of Goldwater?)

Chaim is an original character. JTF is an original organization. There is no person or organization like Chaim and JTF.

And maybe knowing 'we're right, and they're nuts' isn't enough for the vast majority of people. 

For you and me, yeah it's enough.  But for generally apathetic people which are the vast majority, knowing one point of view is right and the other is wrong isn't stirring enough to them. 

You gotta sock 'em in the gut where it hurts...appeal to their own self-interest more.
WIIFM (what's in it for me) and what can they lose by not contributing.

That's my opinion anyways...But maybe using fear tactics is not the best choice.

But more importantly, my feelings on it are irrelevent.

The thing is that it doesn't seem to be working well.

And that is the true test of marketing right?

BTW: I'm not expecting that he change it...Chaim's regular audience is probably used to it.  But if they aren't contributing after all this time??? Maybe it is not the best it can be.

Offline Asymmetry

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Re: in your heart you know we're right...
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2007, 07:22:14 AM »
Slogans aside...I believe that it would be beneficial if Chaim announced (all in on sitting) his views on all political issues and perhaps even formally announced the creation of a political party.  I think an effective way to get people out there to know about JTF and to get some free advirtising on some major networks would be to create a political party, and get enough signatures to put someone on the ballot for the 2008 presidential election.  Imagine Chaim being the Carl Rove equivalent to a presidential candidate.  At the very least you could get a JTF member a live debate with Hillary Clinton and perhaps opther candidates.  Honesty, I a waiting for comments about how far fetched all this is, but I believe the statewide petition requirement for New York is only 15, 000 to be considered a candidate.  As an aside, there is something fail to think about regarding Barak Obama.  Hypothetically, even were he the greatest man on earth and a true patriot, the al-Qaida media/political wing would rip America to bits if the first election after George Bush yielded a muslim as President.  If that would not be portrayed as victory I don't know what would be.  I can hear it now, "the Islamic Emirate of America..."

Offline Maccabi

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Re: in your heart you know we're right...
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2007, 07:35:07 AM »
As an aside, there is something fail to think about regarding Barak Obama.  Hypothetically, even were he the greatest man on earth and a true patriot, the al-Qaida media/political wing would rip America to bits if the first election after George Bush yielded a muslim as President.  If that would not be portrayed as victory I don't know what would be.  I can hear it now, "the Islamic Emirate of America..."
You're absolutely right.

I can't believe people are even considering him.

That Keith Ellison guy should also be kicked out of the country.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: in your heart you know we're right...
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2007, 08:57:21 AM »
Keith Ellison = front for Mohammedan terror