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What is the best movies have you seen?

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The best movies i have seen was Munich, Braveheart, Schindlers list, Inuyashia(Great anime the movie),Ghandi, 300( the Ultimate movie)


--- Quote from: BabylonianJew on March 28, 2007, 01:18:55 PM ---The best movies i have seen was Munich, Braveheart, Schindlers list, Inuyashia(Great anime the movie),Ghandi, 300( the Ultimate movie)

--- End quote ---

Munich? Schindler's list?

This is symptomatic of kike sickness.

New Yorker:
Munich was a terrible film, not saying that it wasn't well executed, the filmmakers craftwork isn't what was terrible. The terrible part is that Munich was a propaganda film for the enemy, it humanized the subhuman mass murdering terrorist scum, couldn't have been worse if Arafat commissioned it to be made himself.

Back to the question of this thread; Best Movies?

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The Star Wars films
Raiders of the Lost Ark
King Arthur

I like epic, visually spectacular films that transport me to a world of heros and adventure. Where men are men and women are demure and lovely, where the bad guys lose, right wins, and the guy gets the girl.  8)

Tura Satana in Faster Pussycat Kill! Kill! John Waters called it the best movie ever made and will undoubtedly prove to be the best movie that ever will be made. Period. :o

Din Rodef:
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
It's a Wonderful Life
A Clockwork Orange


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