General Category > General Discussion

is this [censored] anti-semitic?

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Din Rodef:
Today, I was cruising myspace and found a Jewish guy that I went to junior and senior high school with...

guess what?

He's a lawyer now  ;D

You have to pick your battles wisely. Maybe he is an anti-Semite or maybe he's just being a wise-ass. This doesn't bother me.

I'd take what the guy said as a sincere compliment. But im a bit confused, if you are anti-semitic, are you only anti-jews? Or does it include other races?

Fruit of thy loins:
He has the brain of a monkey.


--- Quote from: Fruit of thy loins on March 29, 2007, 08:17:04 AM ---He has the brain of a monkey.

--- End quote ---

For once a comment that I agree with.


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