Author Topic: Kahanist History After Rabbi Kahane's Assassination  (Read 2946 times)

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Kahanist History After Rabbi Kahane's Assassination
« on: March 16, 2007, 03:12:55 PM »
Kahanist History After Rabbi Kahane's Assassination

Following Rabbi Kahane's assassination, the movement in Israel split. The Yeshiva of The Jewish Idea, which The Rav and his youngest son, Binyamin Ze'ev, founded in 1987, was also split. All of his children became active in preparing and publishing his books, writings, and manuscripts along with his wife Libby. Rabbi Kreuzer in Jerusalem, while changing the focus of the yeshiva and The Rav's program retained some sort of yeshiva, part time, with a handful of students who remained in the building. Some of the students moved to Kfar Tapuach with Binyamin Ze'ev.

The political movement in Israel split into two factions. The Kach Party continued under the leadership of Baruch Marzel while Binyamin Ze'ev started the new Kahane Chai Movement together with Yekutiel Ben Ya'akov. The two of them were both on the Kach board and in the 6 man governing committee of Kach. The split came about when various Kach representatives who made up a majority of the board asked Binyamin and Yekutiel to leave Kach if they wished to continue working on Rav Kahane's State of Judea and Referendum idea, emergency aliya, and on behalf of the prisoners. These were the three issues which created anger and frustration on the Kach board who said, "Go make your own groups with that focus.". That is how the protocol - transcripts read in December, 1990 to January, 1991. Yekutiel says that that is what they did to compliment the more political direction Kach wanted to pursue. Yekutiel's people did not want to endanger their plans and he thought both sides could use each other as other militant and political groups often do, such as in Ireland and elsewhere.

After the Bolshevik Establishment outlawed Kach and Kahane Chai, Kahanists had to start new groups. Former Kach leaders in Hebron today run the Hebron-based faction of The Hilltop Youth, particularly Noam Federman, who serves as Spiritual Leader. Noam Federman and his Hilltop Youth are affiliated with HaYamin HaAmiti, Hebrew for "The Real Right Wing". HaYamin HaAmiti is the Israeli branch of The Jewish Task Force. Federman currently hosts an Internet audio program on the homepage of HaYamin HaAmiti. Noam Federman favors a seperatist approach leading to The State of Judea. On the other hand, Baruch Marzel, another former Hebron Kach member, ran for Knesset as the number 2 on Michael Kleiner's Herut Party ticket in 2003. Today he is the head of of The Chayil Party. Itamar Ben-Gvir is the spokesman for The Chayil Party.

After Kahane Chai was banned, Yekutiel Ben Ya'akov founded The Kahane Movement. He led The Hatikvah Jewish Identity Center in Brooklyn, New York and ran After the Bolshevik FBI closed down the center, Yekutiel moved back to Israel where he continues to operate Kahane Net was later formed out of the remnants of The Kahane Movement. It is important to note that Yekutiel continued to organize international events for Rav Binyamin Ze'ev up until the end, raising funds for the yeshiva when it existed and later just for The Darka Shel Torah Newsletter.

Former Kahane Chai leaders in Kfar Tapuach are today split between the factions of Yekutiel Ben Ya'akov and David HaIvri. Following Rabbi Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane's assassination, David HaIvri tried to to take over the organization. He started new groups such as the Kahanist publishing house, HaMeir L'David, and Revava. He later changed the name of HaMeir L'David to HaMeir - A Light Unto The Nations. When Yekutiel moved back to Israel, he started The Jewish Legion, The Voice of Judea, and Referendums For Israel.

Aside from KahaneNet and the American address of HaIvri's organization, Kahanism in The United States is represented today by The Jewish Task Force (JTF). Based out of Queens, New York, JTF, the only true remnant of JDL, was founded by Chaim Ben Pesach. Born on Tuesday, 21 Tevet, 5717, (December 25, 1956), Chaim joined JDL in 1971, at the age of 14. The same year, Rabbi Kahane made aliyah. JDL was then hijacked by evil people. Chaim eventually took back JDL and became National Chairman in September, 1978. He had to step down in December, 1978 after he went to jail for bombing Egyptian targets in an effort to stop the Israeli retreat from the Sinai Peninsula. After his release and upon the completion of his probation in July, 1983, he rejoined JDL, which had once again been taken over by evil people. In 1984, he once again took back JDL after being appointed National Chairman by Rabbi Kahane, who was International Chairman. For the first time since 1971 when Rabbi Kahane made aliyah, JDL was a serious organization again. Just as Rabbi Kahane had earlier led an effort to free Soviet Jewry, Chaim set out to finish the job. Between 1984 and 1987, Chaim led the successful JDL campaign to free Soviet Jewry by bombing Soviet targets and tear gassing the Soviet ballet performance at Lincoln Center. He continued as JDL Chairman until his arrest in 1987. He pleaded guilty in connection with six bombings and was sentenced to 10 years but only served until 1991, when he was released on probation. Counting previous prison time, he served a total of 5 and a half years. While he was in prison, he became very thin because they wouldn't give him any kosher food until Republican Senator Jesse Helms intervened on his behalf. Upon his release in 1991, he started JTF. His actions on behalf of Soviet Jewry have caused Israel's Bolshevik authorities to illegally ban him from entering Israel. When he tried to make aliyah in 1996, he was put in administrative detention, and then sent back to The United States.

In the meantime, following Chaim's imprisonment and Rabbi Kahane's assassination, the evil Irv Rubin, who called for the assassination of Jonathan Pollard in front of 30 million people on national television, took control of JDL, after having declared himself Chairman in 1985, despite not having the support of any JDL chapters outside of Los Angeles. Following Rubin's apparent suicide death in prison in 2002, his "JDL" split into rival factions. His evil wife, Shelley Rubin, once again claimed to be the head of "JDL" despite not having support outside of Los Angeles. The rest of "JDL" was led by Bill Maniaci, Matt Finberg, and Company. They later changed the name to Bnei Elim and made a court settlement with Shelley Rubin and allowed her to claim to run "JDL", which she runs as her personal club. Even Bnei Elim has differences within it and Finberg, who runs the Boulder, Colorado based Kol HaMacabee, left the organization.

Offline dawntreader

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Re: Kahanist History After Rabbi Kahane's Assassination
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2007, 11:00:07 PM »
So, after having read this....

Basically all of Kahanism is split into tons of different splinter groups.

Has there been any discussion between the groups as to how to merge existing groups together into one party (With a new name) which could be legal in Israel?

More than this, Hayil or Hazit Yehudit Leumit (The Jewish National Front), barely garnered any support in the last elections.

Should not Hayil, join forces with Herut? With Moledet? ( I disagree with Moledet's limited view on the Land of Israel, but agree with them on Religious issues, while I personally disagree with both Hayil and Herut's religious issues.)

Somehow these groups need to work together. I know the National Union (Moledet, NRP and Tekuma) have joined forces...why don't these guys also join forces with Hayil and Herut?

The fractious nature of these groups is allowing the Left to seriously gain more power than they are due.
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Offline kahaneloyalist

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Re: Kahanist History After Rabbi Kahane's Assassination
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2007, 02:20:00 PM »
Dawn, yes there is talk about reuniting and in Israel there was a meeting several months ago where the various splinter groups agreed to work together and stop fighting.
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Offline Dominater96

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Re: Kahanist History After Rabbi Kahane's Assassination
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2007, 05:54:57 PM »
Who was there? and which members of those groups?

Offline kahaneloyalist

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Re: Kahanist History After Rabbi Kahane's Assassination
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2007, 11:58:55 PM »
Noam Federman, Baruch Ben Yosef, I dont remember the rest, but the split was 15 years ago. There are really better things to focus on.
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"