Look here he minds other people business while he has the same problem
zondag 1 maart 2009
Kapo [censored] Violates the Privacy of Elizabeth Edwards, wife of John Edwards
Is there no depth of indecency to which our Little [censored] will not sink?
Slate Magazine reveals that Richard Silverstein is running around exposing the fact that Mrs. Edwards used egg donations to get pregnant. Except it is not [censored]'s right to reveal this matter if the Edwards want it kept to themselves.
[censored], whose own exhibitionism knows no limits, seems to have been motivated by the opportunity to violate the Edwards' privacy so that it would give HIM a chance to get some attention. Seems that [censored]'s wife also had some infertility problems, a matter over which we prefer to have less information. But [censored] thinks the whole world needs to know that his own chidlren are, well, not his own children. They come from donated eggs.
Here is [censored] in Slate:
But her silence on the matter has some people miffed. "I think someone in her position can serve a great public good by being more outspoken," said Richard Silverstein, 52, a fund-raiser in Seattle whose wife, Janis White, used a donor egg to give birth to their son, Jonah, three years ago. White, now 48, is currently pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl, also from donor eggs. Silverstein doesn't understand why Edwards—if she used donor eggs—doesn't speak up. "There's an enormous level of ignorance about egg donation," he said. "She could use the bully pulpit to clear some of it up."
"Fund raiser" as in raising funds to pay out to his libel victims?
Now we are as gratified as the next bloggers to know that [censored]'s genes will not be passed on to the surviving human gene pool. That would be all the world needs - more geeky treasonous self-hating pro-terror unemployed anti-Semites and Neonazis running around the world, passing their time by running anti-Jewish blogs.
We are not sure why anyone would donate eggs to turn into children to be raised by a creature like Silverstein, but perhaps the rotten eggs below might make a suitable donation:
Geplaatst door KapoDickie op 3:58
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* ▼ 2009 (

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+ Richard Silverstein now Wearing a Diaper on his He...
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+ Little [censored]'s Theology
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Over mij
Richard KapoDickie Silverstein is an immature self-hating Seattle anti-Semite pretending to know something about Judaism, whose idiocy apears in what he calls the "Tikun Olam" blog.
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