HIWARP said it all for me. I am a lifelong PA resident and have had to tolerate Benedict Arlen for almost 30 years as senator.
It is Jews like HIM that make so many people hate Jews....and Lieberman is not much different.
I wanted him to go BACK to the democratic party years ago...but I guess he still had work to do as a 5th columnist in the R party. Now that he sees he's done as much damage as he can, he is going home to the D Party he first started out in (and left in 1965 to become an "R".)
Words cannot express my absolute hatred and contempt for this walking piece of drek.
I was looking forward to being able to vote him out in the Rep primary; and because of the level of hatred for him here in PA from Reps, coupled with the polls that showed he'd lose heavily if he stayed Rep, he jumped ship.
I am going to switch my registration temporarily to D JUST so I can STILL vote against him! I will vote for the D candidate running against him. Then I will switch back to R and vote R in the final election.
I WILL NOT be denied my RIGHT to vote against this b*stard!!