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What do you guys think of this?
I was watching a fox news report talking about how schools are once again using the word christmas and easter in their calendars. They showed a jewish lady from some jewish synagogue saying how disappointed she is that they brought it back and comparing it to segregation!
That's ridiculous. There's nothing wrong with Christianity. There's nothing wrong with saying Merry Christmas. (Although I think alot of Christmas traditions are pretty pagan since the Catholic Church incorporated a lot of pagan things into it and all. And considering the fact that Jesus wasn't supposed to have been born around December.)
But that's neither here nor there.
People are too freakin PC. I don't care if people say Merry Christmas to me. There's a lot of good things about Christmas.
I think, in a democracy that has freedom of religion, in a public school you ought to be able to pray to whoever you want, greet people in the name of your religion, and be fine with it.
If you wanted to get down to the nitty gritty of it school you ought to be able to say "May Satan shine darkly upon you" and not have people fly into a huffy rage. That's the price you pay for living in a country that is not a theocracy.
If you are going to have freedom of religion then really have freedom of religion! If a Jew wants to say "Happy Hanukkah"...he ought to be able to. And if you are a Christian and want to say "Merry Christmas" you ought to have the right to without some stuffy old windbag of a woman freaking out over it cause She's Jewish and doesn't personally celebrate it.
As I see it, these are same types of kooky liberal Jews who will vote Democrat no matter what, since to them, it's still the party of Roosevelt (despite Al Sharpton, Barak Obama, Jimmy Carter and Hillary Clinton). They are the same types who are pro abortion, even though there's no Biblical basis for that position.
Anway, if she thinks mentioning Easter and Christmas in the school calendar is so horrific, let her move to Israel. If not she should get over it.
--- Quote from: azrom on March 29, 2007, 09:02:04 PM ---I was watching a fox news report talking about how schools are once again using the word christmas and easter in their calendars. They showed a jewish lady from some jewish synagogue saying how disappointed she is that they brought it back and comparing it to segregation!
--- End quote ---
I'm sorry to say this but at least 80% of American Jews are dumb kikes who get more upset about Christmas decorations in airports than PLO terror in Israel.
This, I can agree with.
People's priorities are messed up.
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