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Offline mord

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Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline ag337

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I really do believe that even Muslims are ashamed to be associated with Joseph Cohen.
It seems to me the group that Joseph so much wants to be associated with (ex. Islamic Extremists) don't even deal with him or want him around.

It's like he's a pseudo-Muslim or something.
And, it probably doesn't help his cause that he was an orthodox Jew who flipped after talking to a Muslim in some chat room.
Not very credible, huh?

Every video he produces is more idiotic than the next.
Thanks for posting about him having new videos, I will flag them for the sheer stupidity that they are.
Thanks again......

Offline mord

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I really do believe that even Muslims are ashamed to be associated with Joseph Cohen.
It seems to me the group that Joseph so much wants to be associated with (ex. Islamic Extremists) don't even deal with him or want him around.

It's like he's a pseudo-Muslim or something.
And, it probably doesn't help his cause that he was an orthodox Jew who flipped after talking to a Muslim in some chat room.
Not very credible, huh?

Every video he produces is more idiotic than the next.
Thanks for posting about him having new videos, I will flag them for the sheer stupidity that they are.
Thanks again......
He claims to live in Israel he's a cab driver in qns or bklyn :laugh:
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline ag337

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I really do believe that even Muslims are ashamed to be associated with Joseph Cohen.
It seems to me the group that Joseph so much wants to be associated with (ex. Islamic Extremists) don't even deal with him or want him around.

It's like he's a pseudo-Muslim or something.
And, it probably doesn't help his cause that he was an orthodox Jew who flipped after talking to a Muslim in some chat room.
Not very credible, huh?

Every video he produces is more idiotic than the next.
Thanks for posting about him having new videos, I will flag them for the sheer stupidity that they are.
Thanks again......
He claims to live in Israel he's a cab driver in qns or bklyn :laugh:

What's the deal with that?
First off, he has been in a couple of documentaries and on the radio where his history has been made very public, so his claims of still living in Israel is total garbage.
He lived in Israel as an Orthodox Jew, met a Muslim in a chat room on the internet, decided to covert after a six hour chat, he then moved to Gaza where he opened a perfume shop, from there he moved to Morrocco where he took a second wife and he got into some idiotic trouble over there, and he moved back to New York  where he is originally from, and now, as well as for some time has become a cab driver.

I think that Joseph is absolutely delusional.
How the heck can he claim that he still lives in Israel, when he makes videos on YouTube that blatantly show different areas of N.Y.City.

He's a moronic loser, who still hasn't found himself.

Offline ag337

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One more thing, can you even begin to imagine how his parents feel about their imbecile son?

I feel for them.
They are orthodox Jews that are very involved in Chabad in New York.
This guy is a waste of space and a disgrace to any faith, as well as his family.

Offline mord

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 :::D Your're right
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline DownwithIslam

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Joey Cohens wife looks like a camel which is probably what attracted him to Islam in the first place, the attraction towards camels. The best thing for the world would be for hashem to take care of this beast and set an example of him.
I am urinating on a Koran.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Sorry for the ignorance, but who exactly is this faggot?

Offline ag337

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Sorry for the ignorance, but who exactly is this faggot?

OH Serb,
You are not ignorant at all, this Joseph Cohen is the biggest ignorant fool that has recently walked around this Earth.

He's an imbecile religious Jew from N.Y., who moved to Israel, then went  on a chat room spoke to a Muslim and converted, and since then he goes around talking garbage.

Look him up on YouTube and you will see what an utter fool he is.


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This is a video showing Joe Cohen.

Offline zachor_ve_kavod

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A Cohen converting to Islam!  Is there a greater disgrace than that?

Offline ag337

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A Cohen converting to Islam!  Is there a greater disgrace than that?

Just one of the many ironies that is Joseph Cohen........

Offline drlmg

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Surely he cannot be serious. It appears he is just making a mockery and doesn't take anything serious. Nonetheless he needs to be eliminated, joking, serious, or whatever he is. Why does anyone even give him the chance to be heard? Maybe I (fortunately) don't know enough about him and his situation. Maybe I don't want to know and give him the satisfaction of irritating me senseless.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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I smell a rat in his official story. Either he is playing a joke on us all or he was always a Muslim to begin with.

Offline ag337

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Serb & drlmg,

This guy is for real at least in his own mind.
Here is his website:

He is such s moron that he has his home phone number on his site.
His address used to be listed there as well, but he removed it for some reason (maybe, someone threatened his moronic life and his families' too).

Around Passover this year, he started  a campaign of posting on YouTube, his own site, and some other sites; the numerical address of Chabad in New york trying to suggest or incite that violence be employed against the worshipers there.
There were numerous videos after videos of the address of Chabad all over the net.

He's been around for some time.
There have been numerous threads here on jtf about him (especially by Mord), that can be searched.
Also, if you go to The Jawa Report, they have all of Joe's shenanigans there.
He's Been on FOX News, Alan Colmes Radio Show, and CNN.

He's out of his mind and delusional to say the least.