Look at the BS these kids already believe:
http://www.google.com/doodle4google/vote.html#The first one is supposed to be from a kid between grades Kindergarten and third grade:
I don't even know why this is allowed to be a finalist, since it's a blatant rip off of the coexist idiot bumper sticker.
One World One G-d
I wish religious harmony for the world. We all are equal under one G-d! Our world will be a better place, if we love and respect each other irrespective of our religion. With respectful coexistence of different religions, peace will prevail in the world.
This is supposed to be from a young kid. You can't coexist with Islam! What the hell are these kids being taught? Also notice how it says "One World". They are teaching these kids to want all nations of the world to merge together into one big third world mess.
This is from the Grades 4-6 age group:
My wish for the world is that everyone has what they need. This includes clothes, housing, medicine, food, money, and love. Too many people are living without these things and it makes me sad. I think if people had everything they needed we would have less problems in the world.
Great, this kid is a socialist automaton already!
This is fromt he Grades 7-9 Age group:
My doodle shows that the flags of many nations are coming together to form one common bond. A tool that is used to merge cultures and nations together. Deep down, all nations have something in common.
We do NOT need nations to merge together. Separatism is the key to harmony between cultures, not merging them together! This means they don't want there to be an America, they don't want there to be an Israel, or an England, Germany, or even Japan. They want all nations to merge together. Whoever has been teaching this kid needs to be slapped in the face for destroying their sense of place within their people and their national pride.
Grades 10-12
I wish for more hope, hope for the future. I wish there was more love. Love for the environment and people. I wish for more joy. I wish for peace, a movement for it. I wish for more trees. I wish for gay rights, now.
This is the product of many years of socialist and left wing brainwashing. This person is perfectly prepped for the intense brainwashing of college years now.