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Chaim's New Youtube Video: "Hillary Clinton Is A Jew-Hater!"

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Joe Gutfeld:
Of course, Hilary is a Jew-hater. She kissed Mrs. Arafat after she accoused the Iseralies of "gassing innocent arab children".  I am not surprised by this.

Uuuuuhhhhh.....Big Fat Duuuuuuuhhhhhhhh!!! She's like most people.

Great Video! I posted it on my myspace profile as a bulletin. Hey Chaim....your tough love is awesome! Plus love the Hillary impression. I felt like I was back in my living room in Queens watching channel 34. It took me back. I haven't seen any Schwartza impressions in a long time though!! What's up with that?? Can anybody back me up on that request??


--- Quote from: Joe Gutfeld on March 30, 2007, 08:26:39 PM ---Of course, Hilary is a Jew-hater. She kissed Mrs. Arafat after she accoused the Iseralies of "gassing innocent arab children".  I am not surprised by this.

--- End quote ---
Hitlery showed her true colors with that one however after watching her in action for almost 16 years is their even a doubt that she has no use for anyone but herself. I heard a talk show host call her the Robot Candidate for president today. A very fitting description I would say.

Hillary Clinton sucks and her husband is pervert like Hitler


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