Author Topic: Muslim Nazis Worldwide Spreading Blood Libels Against Sinhalese Across Internet  (Read 428 times)

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Amazingly, this British Koranic dingleberry (quoting from a Tamil Muslim Nazi website) that just fell out of an HIV-positive camel's tuchis has the gall to accuse the United Nations ("United Nazis" as he calls them) of being allies of the Sinhalese!


Quote from: Muhammad Abdullah
World Watches Helplessly Genocide of Eelam Tamils in Vanni by Sinhalese

By: Dr C P Thiagarajah
Courtesy: TamilCanadian - April 15, 2009

Having cornered about 200000 homeless, half starved IDP (civilians) by herding them with the help of rocket launching gunships and multibarrel guns into a narrow stretch of land in the East near Puthumathalan called the safety zone, Sri Lanka Army (SLA) had now embarked upon intense attack on the 'safety zone'. It all started in the early hours of 12 April Sunday, targeting a place called Pachchaip-pulmoaddai, aiming for bifurcating and capturing the northern part of the 'safety zone' ignoring the international calls for a ceasefire to avoid genocide of the Tamils, a distinctive ethnic minority.

The Tamil community had been facing the brunt of all Sinhala government anti-Tamil discrimination, Human rights violations and genocide since independence in 1948. All the Sinhala Sri-lanka Government’s (GSL) violence against the Tamils had been well documented. Please refer , Asian Human Rights Watch website and US-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) website. The million dollar question is how come all successive Sri-Lankan government commit this crime on its minorities under the watchful eyes of the democratic world that created the UN to protect against such atrocities.

The core aim of The United Nations (UN) an international organization made up of countries of the world was to maintain international peace and security and international economic and social cooperation. Incidentally it was founded on October 24, 1945 in San Francisco, California and only 192 States are members of the United Nations. Can the situation in Sri-lanka be attributed to UN failure to implement or help to implement the various instruments drafted under its charter?

The UN established many treaties to implement its main duties. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was adopted by Resolution 260 (III) A of the U.N. General Assembly on 9 December 1948. It came into force on 12 January 1951. The word 'genocide' was coined in 1944 to name a particularly shocking and horrific crime of violence. Genocide is the deliberate extermination of a racial, religious or ethnic group. Genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law. Many countries signed the Convention, some of whom have since been party to genocide. Only a few people have been charged with genocide or complicity in it.