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Offline freedomannie

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« on: May 13, 2009, 12:25:06 PM »


Youtube runs the most vile anti-American, anti-Israel, anti-US military snuff films with impunity, but free speech?

This is the speech Filip Dewinter gave at the stop the Islamisation rally in Cologne, that YouTube removed:

Dear friends, first I would like to thank you for being here, and for your courage in taking part today in this Stop Islamisation demonstration.

For a long time I had been convinced that the dictator had been beaten down in Germany in 1945, and that democracy had won.

I was mistaken. In practice, a right-wing dictator has just been swapped for a left-wing dictator.

A National Socialist dictator was replaced by a politically correct, multi-culti dictator.

And the violence, the attempts to silence us, the smears of ‘racism’ and ‘fascism’ against respectable citizens who are opposed to the Islamisation of their town, that is unacceptable to Cologne and to Germany.

Dear friends, multiculturalism is the Islamic Trojan horse, and mass immigration has led to our European identity and civilisation being threatened, and multiculturalism has also led to the loss of our pride in our own cultural identity and uniqueness.

The Islamisation of Europe spreads further every day, yet almost no one dares to protest through fear of the intellectual and psychological terror from the Left.

Friends, Islam is like a cuckoo which lays its eggs in the European nest, and multiculturalism forces us to nurture these Islam-eggs. The eyes of the political elites will only be opened when they are pushed out of the nest.

Yes, mass immigration from the third world threatens our identity and our standard of living.

Yes, Islam wants to dominate all of Europe, and it uses mass immigration as a terrifying weapon

Yes, Islam is incompatible with many aspects of our Western European civilisation, our norms and values.

The multi-culti society in western Europe leads to cultural apartheid, to cultural ghettos where local ayatollahs are in control. In these ghettos the European norms and values are not recognised, and the locals have to suffer most of the ensuing lawlessness. Multi-culti societies are basically conflict-societies, and “multicultural” equates to “multi-conflict” and “multi-criminal”.

Friends, our misplaced tolerance is undermining our own ability to defend ourselves, and makes it impossible for us to protect ourselves against catastrophic foreign influences and domination.

The immigration-tsunami opens the gates of our continent to backwardness, poverty and under-development.

The anti-racists denounce every attempt to hold onto our own cultural identity and cultural uniqueness.

The multi-culti mindset, under the mask of equality and tolerance, is leading to the colonisation of Europe by Islam.

[shout from crowd “We don’t want it!”]

Friends, we find ourselves at a crossroads, either we let this situation continue which will lead to the Islamisation of Europe, to a kind of Eurabia, or we say a radical NO to radical Islam, and we make it clear to the Islamists that their ideology does not belong in Europe.

Our response should be strong, clear and aggressive, and I would like to quote the Austrian Bishop who said :

“Charles Martel forced Islam back at Poitiers in 732 , and in 1683 near Vienna, Islam was again forced out.

“And if it is necessary, then for a third time we should also force Islam back to the place it belongs, namely the far side of the Mediterranean Sea.”

“Friends, it is clear in any case that the Left-wing intellectuals and politicians behave increasingly as collaborators with Islam, and through the multi-culti society and mass immigration they are pushing for Islamic domination over us.

The ideologues of the 1960s have, through decades of leftism and progressivism, developed a “down with us” mentality. In their masochistic desire for self-destruction, they have made sure that any opponents of the huge immigration invasion are seen as racists. Today we see that Leftist so-called intellectuals even prefer to form an alliance with the radical representatives of Islam, rather than to repudiate their multi-culti delusions.

Perhaps, dear friends, we should send the collaborators on a fact-finding trip to Nigeria, to Saudi Arabia, or to Gaza, so they can be well informed as to how Islam itself deals with such collaborators.

Dear friends, Cologne is today the capital of the European resistance movement against the Islamisation of Europe.

We do not want any Koran-schools, nor Islamic centres or mosques on every street corner.

We are tired of the women in burkas and chadors, an insult to every emancipated woman.

We are tired of the Arabic and Turkish writing on the front of shops, windows, and products.

We are disgusted by the ritual slaughter of animals.

We do not want any Islamic symbols or food or hijabs in our schools.

We want the Islamisation of our towns and districts to stop

Europe, my dear friends and comrades, is indeed a continent of castles and cathedrals, and not of minarets and mosques.

Thanks to KGS for the text.


Alex, a facebook friend in Germany, wrote me:

Yes, last Sunday I was at an anti-Islamization rally , it was organized by Pro-Koeln--a citizen movement concerned by the Islamization of their city--

Among participants several European Right-wing Nationalist parties , Christians, Jews, and Israelis.

It was a peaceful gathering , however the agitators--Far Left groups and the Greens-- demonstrate in violence, attempting to disturb, shouting "Nazi Raus". I'm trying to find more about it on youtube, but there's never any coverage in favor of us. ...

Here's a part (video here): and that's the only moment its in English at 3:12

Here's an excerpt from Christine Dietrich, a Christian Minister who made a speech as well:

So many People are educated into hatred, brought under the rule of a totalitarian system without freedom. We are concerned these totalitarian systems could spread in our homelands. We are not afraid of other people, but we fear that peace, freedom, justice and human rights as we know them might get lost in a tyrannical system of oppression, which we don’t want to have anymore in Europe and most of all not in Germany.

Looking back we’re always smarter and know what we should have done better. We standing here don’t want to get accused later on, that we did nothing, that we were hidden behind convenience, watching violence and injustice spreading out: The oppression of women, the education of children into hatred. Refugees who came to us are not safe anymore from their persecutors here. Jewish people get threatened again. Fighting against this has nothing to do with a political commitment or elections, but with responsibility. Every one of us bears a responsibility for the good in our Judeo-Christian culture and its values which could develop and remain in Europe despite many difficult times and failures.

After this short introduction I’d like to come to the blessing itself. Regardless who we are and what we stand for we depend on god’s mercy and blessing. For today’s event I’ve decided to take a biblical blessing from the Tanach scriptures, because as I said before only through Israel we are blessed. Our destiny depends on Israel. I’ll give you the Aaronite blessing from the book of Numbers, which is more than a part of the story about Moses wandering through the desert with the Israelites into the Promised Land. It’s the blessing of the Jerusalem Temple which was given there until its destruction in the Judeo-Roman war in the year 70 of our time and which was located on the same spot where Omar-Mosque (known as the Dome of the Rock) is standing today. Jews are only allowed to access the remains of the western wall, at least as long as East Jerusalem still belongs to the state of Israel.

On this temple desperate people where fighting for their rights, as we hear them speaking in the Psalms. They sought refuge with god and asked him to decide whether their case was right or wrong. The temple’s blessing accompanies us wherever we are as long as we remember it’s in, with and through Israel we are blessed.
I am in love with Light as it has brought the curtains back from the darkness...i will always be free with the truth i now know and my heart is forever changed...I thank G-d for the light! <3 Always