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I just had a "JTF Moment" at Wendy's tonight

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Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
KFC is just about the unhealthiest and most abominable "food" you can put in your system. ALL of their frying is through hydrogenated trans fats. A pot pie has like 14 grams of TFs, which is more than you should have in a whole year (lifetime, if you ask me).

My favorite fast-food establishments in rough order...

Togo's (not sure if that's outside of CA; it's like Subway but upscale)
Quizno's (pricey)
Del Taco (only for burgers)

   Here is a moment that I thought I would share. Last Wednesday I went to the gas station to fill up. Yeah I know gas is bad but I don't live in New York and don't have a subway to go to work. Since Wednesday is bargain day, there is a small line which I waited for a while because the gas price was cheap. This particular gas station had a one way traffic pattern, but I did notice that some people disobeyed it to skip the lines. I get to my turn and this black beast lady cuts in front of me from the other side. If that wasn't bad enough, she entered with her fuel tank on the wrong side and wanted me to back up so she could turn her car around even though there was no room for her to do it even if I did back up. I refused to comply and explained to her that there were arrows painted on the ground which required us to enter a certain way and that she cut in front of me in the line. She started cursing and then ran inside to activate the pumps for her car. I watched as she tried to fill her car but couldn't reach. She then backed out and I pulled in. The pump was still running and I hit cancel. I then swiped my credit card and started to fill my vehicle. A few minutes later when my vehicle was full she came back with an attendent and accused me of stealing her gas. I showed the attendent my receipt and my credit card and explained the story to him. He proceded by telling her to leave and not come back again.
   Now here is the irony. Her reponse to me at that time was "You so ignorant. I axed you to back up and jlsjfklsdjf sdfkjsdfklj dsfjsdlfkjsd". I wasn't quick enough to say "I would love to axe you". She ignored the traffic pattern and she ignored which she of her car the gas tank was on and she had the never to call me ignorant. I guess they're used to labeling everyone they don't like as racist and ignorant is a word they like to use.

Din Rodef:

--- Quote from: takebackourtemple on March 31, 2007, 10:11:00 PM ---Her reponse to me at that time was "You so ignorant. I axed you to back up and jlsjfklsdjf sdfkjsdfklj dsfjsdlfkjsd".

I guess they're used to labeling everyone they don't like as racist and ignorant is a word they like to use.

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haha...I think it's funny when black people say "axed"

When I was in high school (with all the blacks) they would say, " you so ignorant" ...But they'd usually only say that to other blacks and not to white kids.

Din Rodef:

--- Quote from: Chaimfan on March 31, 2007, 09:57:29 PM ---KFC is just about the unhealthiest and most abominable "food" you can put in your system. ALL of their frying is through hydrogenated trans fats. A pot pie has like 14 grams of TFs, which is more than you should have in a whole year (lifetime, if you ask me).

My favorite fast-food establishments in rough order...

Togo's (not sure if that's outside of CA; it's like Subway but upscale)
Quizno's (pricey)
Del Taco (only for burgers)

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Thanks for watching out for me Chaimfan...I really eat pretty good and was just kind of kidding around..I don't eat fast food very often

I like Quiznos too. My friend owns ones of their franchises and BTW he's a right-winger too. He's got all white kids working for him (no schvartzas or mexicans)

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:

--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on March 31, 2007, 10:57:04 PM ---One more thing: The Israeli fast food restaurants don't have schvartzas working there so they actually get your order right.
--- End quote ---
But they do have Arab Nazis, who are even worse.  :o


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