In general I find the PC mindset problematic. While I certainly agree that civilized Jews, and righteous gentiles, should be vigilant of what they say in order not to insult or hurt the other. This idea is expressed in the laws of Lashon Hara and it is said that one who uses hurtful words is worse than a thief {I heard Rabbi Yissocher Frand say this this morning}.
A person should be aware of the feelings of the people who he is speaking to, and should attempt to rebuke in a manner which will be received in the correct way. It is one of the PRIME DIRECTIVES of Torah which says, "Do not do to your neighbor what you would not want done to you".
PC goes over the line in that it makes one feel like a criminal for speaking the truth about problems in society. In this respect I have issues with how PC has been executed. The 'N' word is one of the issues which I have problems with. It is wrong for a word to be taboo to one group, while it is hip and cool for another. This is the hypocrisy of PC. Many here know that I am offended by the 'K' word as it is used by some members here. My reason for offense is not political correctness, but a part of my Ahavas Yisroel {Love of all Jews}.