The best way to handle the credit card situation is to write a written request for a chargeback at the time of the incident. I believe it is a 45 day window. Perhaps Chaim tried that. We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover at my business. We had a chargeback where the party clearly ordered our product but then complained that he did not get what he needed. I was told we had very little chance of overcoming that with Visa (apparently American Express is more friendly to merchants) and did not try. Anyway small claims is certainly an option if you want to put the time into it. If the contract is written such that they had the right to give you the final price after they loaded the stuff and you had no right to back out at that point you may be out of luck. It seems they should have some obligation to do a better job of estimating when they looked at the items you were moving.