Author Topic: Ask JTF For May 20 Broadcast  (Read 21128 times)

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Offline jdl4ever

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Re: Ask JTF For May 20 Broadcast
« Reply #25 on: May 16, 2007, 08:24:05 PM »
Chaim, do you think that there are any real Rabbis anymore?  Ever since the last generation of "Rabbis" did whatever they could to marginalize our great leader Horav Meir Kahane Zs'l and deny his achievements, I don't trust any Rabbi anymore and rely on my own study to make decisions.  I had my own experiences with "Rabbis" of this generation saying stupid things against the Torah (for example, most are either completely anti zionist, anti-Israel or pro "peace" with fakestinians) and they act arrogantly to hide their ignorance.  I think this generation is lacking of any real leaders, like the Tanach predicts that it will be a mixed up generation.  What percentage of Orthodox Rabbis in our generation do you think are real Rabbis?  So far I found none. 
« Last Edit: May 16, 2007, 08:28:34 PM by jdl4ever »
"Enough weeping and wailing; and the following of leaders & rabbis who are pygmies of little faith & less understanding."
"I believe very much in a nation beating their swords into plowshears but when my enemy has a sword I don't want a plowshear"
-Rabbi Meir Kahane Zs'l HYD

Offline Maccabi

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Re: Ask JTF For May 20 Broadcast
« Reply #26 on: May 17, 2007, 04:09:25 PM »
This is sort of a long question but I hope you can answer it in it's entirety:

One of the commandments is to "Honor your mother and father"...But what if your parents are secular?

Is it a sin to feel anger and hatred towards a parent under any circumstances?

I love my parents a lot now, but

I was raised completely secular, celebrating Christmas

I have said some pretty nasty things to my parents, and the other day, my dad was talking about one of the socialist-type academic conferences he attended in Germany and I blurted out that I thought he was a fool for travelling to this country. (He's always attending these sort of Euro-socialist academic conferences to speak about family and health-care systems etc...)

I said I would never travel to Germany, let alone hobnob with their academics.

Then he countered with the relativist "What about the American Indians argument" and "So you want to blame them for what their parents did..." He is very sociable and has lots of European friends. My dad is popular, charismatic and has a lot of friends and his students all love him. I'd say he is also clever at dealing with academic politics.

I absolutely hated my parents when they were was a living nightmare. 

I actually love my parents now, even though they are misguided, and I think they misguided me...Now that they are divorced, I get along with each of them great and I can deal with them individually fine. I am so much happier now that my parents are divorced.

But how can you "Honor" someone who is secular?  I mean, if we are supposed to listen to our parents, but they have no belief and cause you confusion, what then? 

« Last Edit: May 21, 2007, 01:02:37 PM by MackaB »

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Re: Ask JTF For May 20 Broadcast
« Reply #27 on: May 17, 2007, 06:26:54 PM »
   A lot of people receive rabbinical degrees in the US. Sometimes I receive resumes from people who took off after college to study torah and have a gap of no technical education and no technical work experience. I always try to use their ability to speak Hebrew in order to find them positions for Israeli customers. To my shock, most of them cannot speak conversational Hebrew. I understand that they study Torah, Talmud, Midrash and other great works which were not written in Modern Hebrew, but would at least expect them to have some level of ability to communicate in a Hebrew conversation. My two questions pertaining to this observations are:

   1: What mininum levels of competancy in Modern Hebrew would you expect to be taught as part of the curriculum for the most common rabbinical degrees?
   2: If someone chose to not learn Modern Hebrew with the genuine intention of learning to not only study texts, but to also speak and communicate in Biblical Hebrew as it is written in the written torah, would that serve as an acceptable substitute for earning a rabbinical degree?
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?

Offline ape

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Re: Ask JTF For May 20 Broadcast
« Reply #28 on: May 17, 2007, 11:49:01 PM »
Dear Chaim,
  Is there any hope for Queens to regain a white majority in the future?

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: Ask JTF For May 20 Broadcast
« Reply #29 on: May 18, 2007, 01:51:10 AM »
I feel I have to disagree with you about your statement last week in which you said Non religious Jews cannot be at the helm of a Kahanist party. Baruch Marzel, Effie Eitam, Ovadia Yosef and Eli Yishai are all examples of Religious Jews who can only be trusted to run a whorehouse. I feel it should be on a person to person basis. This argument is meaningless anyways as in my opinion, you are the only one who should be in control of Israel. I trust only you Chaim with the safety of Jewish people in Israel.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2007, 01:31:04 AM by DownwithIslam »
I am urinating on a Koran.

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Re: Ask JTF For May 20 Broadcast
« Reply #30 on: May 18, 2007, 07:52:22 AM »
Dear Chaim,
Is it proper for gentiles to use phrases such as ZT"L, YM"S, etc..?

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In thy power Almighty, trusting,
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Re: Ask JTF For May 20 Broadcast (I Know What A Rakah IS)
« Reply #31 on: May 18, 2007, 10:06:51 AM »
Dear Chaim,

   A Rakah, which is the word that you and David got stuck on last week when reading the Hadith during the "Take Back America" show is an Arabic word that is defined as one full cycle of Standing, Bowing, then Kneeling and then Prostrating then getting up to Stand again, during the Muslim Salah (Prayer)! That constitutes one Rakah! There are different number Rakats (plural) for each of the 5 compulsory prayers which are called "Fard" prayers plus different additional prayers prescribed by Muhammad (may his name and memory be obliterated) in the Hadiths called "Sunnah" prayers.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2007, 07:52:40 PM by Tony6D2 »

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Re: Ask JTF For May 20 Broadcast
« Reply #32 on: May 18, 2007, 04:59:15 PM »
Hello Chaim, and good day to you.

What is the name of the beautiful song you used to play at the end of your 'Perfidy Exposed' and 'Never Again' programs?
Psalm 53:2 "The fool hath said in his heart, 'There is no G-D.'"

Offline Sarah

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Re: Ask JTF For May 20 Broadcast
« Reply #33 on: May 19, 2007, 12:14:04 PM »
Shalom Chaim,

I hope you are well and your aims for JTF reaching positive levels. I've missed asking you questions and i hope mine hasn't already been asked in the past...
- Whats your favourite prophetic story from the Torah that you can relate to and why?

Stay well, strong and keep fighting for the truth!

Offline Ari

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Re: Ask JTF For May 20 Broadcast
« Reply #34 on: May 19, 2007, 04:40:41 PM »
Hello Dear Chaim,

Hope you had a great week and all is well.  This week I would like to ask you about a problem that I know we share in common, that of time management.  I have found that I can't find the time to get to many of the things that I want to accomplish in life.  Days run into weeks and sometimes even years and I can't seem to fit all the things in that I would like to to get done, between work, daily chores, etc.  Do most people have this problem?  Sometimes I feel like everyone else is more organized than me.  Do you have any advice on how to best prioritize?  Is there any religious commentary on the matter?  Sometimes I get frustrated because life seems to be passing by very quickly, and I feel I am not being productive.  Thanks for your time and insight as alway.  All the best.


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Re: Ask JTF For May 20 Broadcast
« Reply #35 on: May 20, 2007, 12:59:51 AM »
Dear Chaim.

Fred Thompson supported Republican Leftist Nazi Lincoln Chaffee, yimach shemo vezichro, and said that he "agreed with him on most of the issues".  He is a complete phony and opportunist, and is just as bad as the rest of the Republican "front-runners".  And yet I see so many "conservative" people on the internet on "Conservative" forums like Free Republic who support him fanatically.  I am so saddened to see this, but I still go on with the good fight.  You have to still be principled, even when you will get criticised for it.  Even when "Conservatives" criticise you and sometimes even friends criticise you for it!  You have to, have to, have to be principled.

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Re: Ask JTF For May 20 Broadcast
« Reply #36 on: May 20, 2007, 02:24:20 AM »
Hello Chaim,

                Out of the four atrocious front runners for the Republican nomination for president (Giuliani, McCain, Romney and Thompson), which one in your opinion, is most apt to nominate a decent conservative to the US Supreme Court?



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Re: Ask JTF For May 20 Broadcast
« Reply #37 on: May 20, 2007, 02:52:09 AM »
Shalom Chaim,

Don't you think that the slogan to make Israel a religious state (which Rabbi Meir Kahane supported initially) has to be replaced with a Jewish democratic state, but without Arabs (which Rabbi supported later to avoid a civil war in Israel)?

Most Israelis support the transfer of Arabs, but the idea of a religious state, in my opinion, can kill any chances of kahanists to come to power in Israel.

Isn't it obvious that if Israel lets Arabs go, and thus Israel becomes a safer place, the religious Jews will eventually become a majority anyhow by making more babies?
« Last Edit: May 20, 2007, 03:21:19 AM by saintaugusto »

Offline paragon12

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Re: Ask JTF For May 20 Broadcast
« Reply #38 on: May 20, 2007, 03:10:15 AM »
What is your opinion on the notion that the Jewish ritual whereby meat is made kosher is a barbaric way of slaughtering animals because it includes the slitting of an animal's throat and letting it bleed to death while a rabbi prays over the dying animal which inflicts unnecessary pain?
« Last Edit: May 20, 2007, 03:34:28 AM by paragon12 »

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Re: Ask JTF For May 20 Broadcast
« Reply #39 on: May 20, 2007, 03:41:48 AM »
I've noticed that you've referred to Jewish converts to Christianity as "self-hating" in keeping with the rabbinical opinion that a Jew can not be a follower of Jesus. Conservative Jewish author David Klinghoffer even said in his book Why the Jews Rejected Jesus: The Turning Point in Western History that in the Talmud one of the rabbinical commentaries declared that Jesus was in hell being boiled in excrement. So what I want to know is: Does Judaism look upon Jesus as a heretic deserving of execution and hellfire or is that an anti-Semitic rumor?

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Re: Ask JTF For May 20 Broadcast
« Reply #40 on: May 20, 2007, 07:50:26 AM »
Hello Chaim, :)

This is going to be a 'Scriabin-like' question:

   What do you think about Naomi Shemer Z"L ?

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Re: Ask JTF For May 20 Broadcast
« Reply #41 on: May 20, 2007, 11:00:13 AM »
Did you side with Kach or Kahane Chai after kach split, after the ravs death? and why did you pick one over the other?