Author Topic: Chaim Ben Pesach  (Read 14290 times)

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Chaim Ben Pesach
« on: March 06, 2007, 08:46:56 PM »
Chaim Ben Pesach was born on Tuesday, 21 Tevet, 5717, December 25, 1956. In 1971, at the age of 14, he joined the Jewish Defense League. He eventually became the JDL National Chairman in September 1978. He had to step down in December, 1978 after he went to jail for bombing Egyptian targets in an effort to stop the Israeli retreat from the Sinai Peninsula. After his release and upon the completion of his probation in July, 1983, he rejoined JDL. In 1984, he eventually became Chairman again and, in an effort to influence the USSR to allow Jewish emigration, in the 1980s, he bombed Soviet diplomatic targets in New York and tear-gassed a ballet performance at Lincoln Center that featured Soviet performers. He continued as JDL Chairman until his arrest in 1987. He pleaded guilty in connection with six bombings and was sentenced to 10 years but served five and a half before being released on probation. According to Chaim, while he was in jail, he became very thin because they wouldn't give him any kosher food until Republican Senator Jesse Helms intervened on his behalf. Upon his release in 1991, he started JTF.

Chaim is banned from entering Israel because of his support of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane's Kach Party, which has been outlawed in Israel. In 1996, he tried to emigrate to Israel, but was immediately detained at Ben-Gurion International Airport upon his arrival, and was placed in administrative detention in a cell in the airport. He was not allowed to speak to an attorney nor an American Embassy official, despite the fact that he is an American citizen. He was subsequently deported to the U.S., where he now lives in the New York metropolitan area.

Chaim is an Orthodox Jew. He is the son of an Ashkenazic Jewish father, Pesach Ben Dov, and an Egyptian Sefardic Jewish mother, Malkah Bat Meir. Chaim refers to this as knowing the best of both Jewish backgrounds. He also calls upon his Egyptian Jewish ancestry when he says that he of all people should know how Arab Muslims are. He has never been married. Chaim has brown hair and blue eyes and also strongly believes in eating only healthy food.

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Chaim Ben Pesach
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2007, 01:56:22 AM »
I know that a lot of what I write here is not esteemed and that most don't think I'm serious but when I read about Chaim's continually being sent to jail for following through on his beliefs I feel a little awed.  What a way to spend your life, forever being sent away because you fight for your people.  What an asset you have in someone like Chaim who gives his whole life for what he believes in.  And the deprivations - 50 and never been married.  Chaim ben Pesach is a different sort of human being than I am and I could never replicate even a tiny portion of what he's achieved. 

Yacov Menashe your biographical authoring skills are very good.  That is another Jewish thing.  Jewish people are better at writing biographies.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

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Re: Chaim Ben Pesach
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2007, 12:54:14 AM »
I know that a lot of what I write here is not esteemed and that most don't think I'm serious but when I read about Chaim's continually being sent to jail for following through on his beliefs I feel a little awed.  What a way to spend your life, forever being sent away because you fight for your people.  What an asset you have in someone like Chaim who gives his whole life for what he believes in.  And the deprivations - 50 and never been married.  Chaim ben Pesach is a different sort of human being than I am and I could never replicate even a tiny portion of what he's achieved. 

Yacov Menashe your biographical authoring skills are very good.  That is another Jewish thing.  Jewish people are better at writing biographies.
Yes, he is truly an extremely noble man and leader and should be an example for all Jews. Sadly, not one percent of the Chosen are anything like him, or worthy of him and his endless sacrifices.  :(


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Re: Chaim Ben Pesach
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2007, 12:03:11 PM »
I believe that this man very well may be a Saint.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Chaim Ben Pesach
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2007, 09:18:46 AM »
Chaim Ben Pesach is the best and most inspiring Rabbi I have ever heard.

Offline Nic Brookes

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Re: Chaim Ben Pesach
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2007, 05:44:41 PM »
From the little I have seen of him, he seems an inspirational man

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Chaim Ben Pesach
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2007, 09:31:44 AM »
You said Chaim went to prison twice, once in the 1970's and again in the 1980's for 5 years.  How long, in total, did Chaim spend in prison?  I can imagine the prisons there are far worse here in Canada.  Here the prisoners get satellite TV, DVD/VCR, Computer access, full gym/health club, free University schooling and social/skills/trade training, voting rights, better food than middle income people and of course a few of our prisons here even come with 9 hole golf courses...   :-[
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Chaim Ben Pesach
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2007, 10:15:22 AM »
Re:  "...I can imagine the prisons there are far worse here in Canada.  Here the prisoners get satellite TV, DVD/VCR, Computer access, full gym/health club, free University schooling and social/skills/trade training, voting rights, better food than middle income people and of course a few of our prisons here even come with 9 hole golf courses..."

Well...if all of that is true, Marzutra, then it sounds to me like you're the one in prison!   :D   ;D   ???

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Chaim Ben Pesach
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2007, 09:48:28 PM »
You said Chaim went to prison twice, once in the 1970's and again in the 1980's for 5 years.  How long, in total, did Chaim spend in prison?  I can imagine the prisons there are far worse here in Canada.  Here the prisoners get satellite TV, DVD/VCR, Computer access, full gym/health club, free University schooling and social/skills/trade training, voting rights, better food than middle income people and of course a few of our prisons here even come with 9 hole golf courses...   :-[

Some prisons give accommodations that are way too good for prisoners.  They end up rewarding people who commit crimes. 

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Chaim Ben Pesach
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2007, 10:01:14 PM »
You can say that again..  This is probably why Canada Free Press just came out with an article that 48% of total Canadian Income is taken in by various taxation....  Gotta support the ailing Welfare State.... 
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: Chaim Ben Pesach
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2007, 10:44:32 PM »
Chaim Ben Pesach is the best and most inspiring Rabbi I have ever heard.

He has semichah ?

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Chaim Ben Pesach
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2007, 01:09:58 AM »
Re:  "...He has semichah ?..."

I haven't heard that he has it.

However, he eats well and takes care of himself, so if he does have it, he will probably get over it without having to take any medicines.

Offline BabylonianJew

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Re: Chaim Ben Pesach
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2007, 12:47:57 AM »
Chaim is part Egyptian Shepardic,  never would have guessed. Chaim does however have Near Eastern look to him. I guess Mizhari genes are recessive after all lol.His mom is probably dark as an East Indian, most Mizhari Jews fit this description.

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Re: Chaim Ben Pesach
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2007, 12:20:41 AM »
His mother isn't that dark. She has green eyes too. Chaim has blue eyes which means his mother carries a recessive blue eye gene.

Weird most Mizhari Jews are dark, maybe the Egyptians are an exception.

Offline tyudtyuryu

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Re: Chaim Ben Pesach
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2008, 02:43:18 AM »
This must be the one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time.   :laugh:
It is truly tragicomic that this laughable anger-crazed barbarism is attempted to be painted in even a slightly positive light.
Let's not be like the palestinians.
Eretz Yisrael was given to Am Yisrael to help free their neshama from evil natures; to be closer to G-d, who is genuinely merciful, righteous, good, & wise.
Not to be barking power-hungry zombies.
If the Jewish people give their attention to this pursuit, this is the best guarantee of our security. If (G-d forbid!) they do not, even the greatest efforts to gain security will fail. (As is known to students of the Torah & Jewish history)
My goal is not to attack anyone personally, but to enlighten those Jews who have forgotten the primary focus of Judaism.
Let's pray that everyone does Teshuva.
And generally speaking I would also like to say that it's a great idea to smile and be happy. It’s effective at banishing all sorts of mean-spiritedness.

-From a Religious Jew
« Last Edit: December 05, 2008, 12:19:55 PM by tyudtyuryu »

Offline q_q_

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Re: Chaim Ben Pesach
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2008, 03:14:38 AM »
Chaim Ben Pesach is the best and most inspiring Rabbi I have ever heard.

It is truly disgusting that this anger-crazed, arrogant, inhuman, barbaric, very laughable gangster wannabe can be painted in even a slightly positive light.
The nature of cruel, evil, & hard-hearted individuals is to try to find some type of ‘noble cause’ to pretend to fight for, so they can avoid facing their ugliness.
This justification isn't taken seriously by intelligent people.
How is he any better a person than the arab fascists?
The Holy Land is for people who seek to develop their mind & soul, to be closer to G-d, who is genuinely merciful & righteous.
Not for barking power-hungry zombies.
Try smiling and being happy. It’s very effective at banishing all sorts of mean-spiritedness.

-From a Religious Jew

Well if you were truly a religious jew then you would have picked up a Tenach and seen the many noble causes jews faught for.. such as conquering the land of israel under Joshua/Yehoshua.

If you were truly a religious jew you might have heard the line from the Haggadah that rings so true.  That in every generation a nation rises up to destroy us.   Guess who that nation is in "our" generation.

There is a question of jewish survival..

Jews would not be able to develop their mind and soul in the holy land if israel gets nuked or if israel gets under an arab majourity.  Look at how arabs treat arabs.

You are merely a self hating jew. Arabs want to kill us and you vent your anger at Chaim.

Offline Shlomo

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Re: Chaim Ben Pesach
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2008, 03:32:07 PM »
This must be the one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time.   :laugh:
It is truly tragicomic that this laughable anger-crazed barbarism is attempted to be painted in even a slightly positive light.
Let's not be like the palestinians.
Eretz Yisrael was given to Am Yisrael to help free their neshama from evil natures; to be closer to G-d, who is genuinely merciful, righteous, good, & wise.
Not to be barking power-hungry zombies.
If the Jewish people give their attention to this pursuit, this is the best guarantee of our security. If (G-d forbid!) they do not, even the greatest efforts to gain security will fail. (As is known to students of the Torah & Jewish history)
My goal is not to attack anyone personally, but to enlighten those Jews who have forgotten the primary focus of Judaism.
Let's pray that everyone does Teshuva.
And generally speaking I would also like to say that it's a great idea to smile and be happy. It’s effective at banishing all sorts of mean-spiritedness.

-From a Religious Jew


If you were a religious Jew, you wouldn't speak lashon hora like this and you wouldn't desire to give up the Holy land and would remember that Hashem gave that land to the Jewish people for a reason.

If you were a religious Jew, you would realize that arrogance is very negative trait.

And when have the Jews EVER been ANYTHING like the "palestinians" (as if there was such a thing) who wear ski masks while firing weapons in the air, scream death to the Jews, commit suicide to kill innocent men, women, and children, beat and kill their own family members, send their kids off with bomb belts, who's "prophet" was a pedophile, and have stated that they wish to take over the world for islam and that all non-muslims (infidels) must be killed or made into slaves? Doesn't sound like any Jew I know! Nor does it sound like any of our members! Your comparison is just absurd and ridiculous without any logical explanation at all (big surprise).

Lastly, if you were a religious Jew, you would know that we are required to do what we can to save the Jewish people... not just smile, pretend nothing is happening, and then just blame all the problems on Hashem. The ONLY way we ever spent a single moment in Israel was always with a great deal of effort.

While you wish to "enlighten" us... you failed miserably to tell us what your great plan was to save Jewish people from being murdered or from having the land (including Jerusalem) from being chopped up into little pieces and given to people that praise hitler. You have plenty of "mean spirited" criticism but no alternatives except for smiling and pretending it never happened. Such arrogance and foolishness is what has gotten us killed.

Perhaps you should investigate your own Teshuva for your uninvestigated lashon hora of a tzadik, your lack of knowledge of the Torah on such matters, and for being apathetic to the land your forefathers were tortured for, murdered for, and fought for to hand down to you. The Torah is very clear on what we should do regarding Israel.

You have provided NO real info at all. It's always interesting what people will post for attention. I supposed it worked to some degree. You should be very embarrassed.
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: Chaim Ben Pesach
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2008, 02:44:09 AM »
This must be the one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time.   :laugh:
It is truly tragicomic that this laughable anger-crazed barbarism is attempted to be painted in even a slightly positive light.
Let's not be like the palestinians.
Eretz Yisrael was given to Am Yisrael to help free their neshama from evil natures; to be closer to G-d, who is genuinely merciful, righteous, good, & wise.
Not to be barking power-hungry zombies.
If the Jewish people give their attention to this pursuit, this is the best guarantee of our security. If (G-d forbid!) they do not, even the greatest efforts to gain security will fail. (As is known to students of the Torah & Jewish history)
My goal is not to attack anyone personally, but to enlighten those Jews who have forgotten the primary focus of Judaism.
Let's pray that everyone does Teshuva.
And generally speaking I would also like to say that it's a great idea to smile and be happy. It’s effective at banishing all sorts of mean-spiritedness.

-From a Religious Jew

What is truly tragic is your characterization of the actions taken by Chaim and JTF in support of Israel and Jews as 'anger-crazed barbarism'.

What is truly tragic is your belief that we are like the arabs that you erroneously call 'palestinians'.

What is truly tragic is that you think this movement is driven by 'power hungry zombies' rather than righteous people whose desire is a strong Israel where Jews can live safely and in peace.

It is not tragic that you think the primary focus of Judaism is to be merciful, righteous, good and wise. However, it is beyond tragic that you think having these qualities alone will bring security to Israel and Jews.

Sure, it's wonderful to smile and be happy. We should not be mean spirited. We should strive to be kind to all those that are not our enemies or bear us ill will. But there's also a time and a place for everything. When Israel is fighting an existential battle for it's very survival, this is not the time for showing kindness to a cruel and unmerciful enemy. We must defend Eretz Yisrael always, even if the entire world stands against us and thinks we are the cruel, barbaric, power hungry, mean spirited ones. It is sad to see a fellow Jew denounce JTF with these false accusations.

I think it is you that needs to do Teshuva for slandering Chaim and JTF, and I strongly suggest you reconsider how Israel and the Jewish people are expected to act when confronting the evil enemies that threaten us.

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Re: Chaim Ben Pesach
« Reply #18 on: December 10, 2008, 02:50:24 AM »
If you were a religious Jew, you would realize that arrogance is very negative trait.


Also,  :clap: for the rest of your post as well.

I am SICK of hearing people SELF-IDENTIFY as holy, righteous, religious and the like.  Let your actions, your life and OTHERS speak of these things on your behalf.
aka Someone Else

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Re: Chaim Ben Pesach
« Reply #19 on: January 28, 2009, 06:31:18 AM »
G'd bless you Chaim Ben Pesach!!

G'd, please forgive all the people who hate Chaim! They don't know how great he is!


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Re: Chaim Ben Pesach
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2009, 03:41:21 PM »
Chaim Ben Pesach was born on Tuesday, 21 Tevet, 5717, December 25, 1956. In 1971, at the age of 14, he joined the Jewish Defense League. He eventually became the JDL National Chairman in September 1978. He had to step down in December, 1978 after he went to jail for bombing Egyptian targets in an effort to stop the Israeli retreat from the Sinai Peninsula. After his release and upon the completion of his probation in July, 1983, he rejoined JDL. In 1984, he eventually became Chairman again and, in an effort to influence the USSR to allow Jewish emigration, in the 1980s, he bombed Soviet diplomatic targets in New York and tear-gassed a ballet performance at Lincoln Center that featured Soviet performers. He continued as JDL Chairman until his arrest in 1987. He pleaded guilty in connection with six bombings and was sentenced to 10 years but served five and a half before being released on probation. According to Chaim, while he was in jail, he became very thin because they wouldn't give him any kosher food until Republican Senator Jesse Helms intervened on his behalf. Upon his release in 1991, he started JTF.

Chaim is banned from entering Israel because of his support of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane's Kach Party, which has been outlawed in Israel. In 1996, he tried to emigrate to Israel, but was immediately detained at Ben-Gurion International Airport upon his arrival, and was placed in administrative detention in a cell in the airport. He was not allowed to speak to an attorney nor an American Embassy official, despite the fact that he is an American citizen. He was subsequently deported to the U.S., where he now lives in the New York metropolitan area.

Chaim is an Orthodox Jew. He is the son of an Ashkenazic Jewish father, Pesach Ben Dov, and an Egyptian Sefardic Jewish mother, Malkah Bat Meir. Chaim refers to this as knowing the best of both Jewish backgrounds. He also calls upon his Egyptian Jewish ancestry when he says that he of all people should know how Arab Muslims are. He has never been married. Chaim has brown hair and blue eyes and also strongly believes in eating only healthy food.

This man has an aura of a statesman. If we had ledaers like Chaim Ben Pesach, the world would be free of many crazy ideologies. For all his contributions to the Jewish cause he has been treated worse than a common criminal. May God find him the strength to continue to spread the light. Jews across the board should wake up and realize what is being done to fellow Jews sho speak out and act in self-defense. His causes live on here in this wonderful forum

Kahane said 'The reality of the situation is clear. The Jews and Arabs of the Land of Israel ultimately cannot coexist in a Jewish-Zionist state. A Time bomb in the Holy Land ticks away relentlessly'.

We must remove the cancer before it spreads and kills us!!!

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Re: Chaim Ben Pesach
« Reply #21 on: February 26, 2009, 06:34:55 PM »
I just found this post. I have been on the forum for for several months and I never knew the details of Chaim and his righteous efforts. Chaim is indeed a very unique individual, even though I do not know him personally. What really enrages me beyond endurance is how Islam, and the Left winged Governments are extremely evil. Moslems and the radical left go out of their way to take the innocent righteous people ( Chaim ) for example and they use these people ( the righteous ) as victims by victimizing them further and potraying them as terrorists.
In doing this, blaming innocent people furthers their evil cause, by taking victims and making them look like the perpetrators.
So now we have the real terrorists, pointing fingers at those who fight to save their freedom and the freedoms of others.
Moslems and the Israeli government see Chaim as a threat to their plans to destroy Israel, Israel has been home to our people for 6 thousand years and Israel for the last 6 thousand years has been fighting to survive. How many times has Israel been defeated and then made a comeback? Chaim I believe see's this as his personal calling in life and how good of him to fight for WHAT IS RIGHT, WHAT IS GOOD and WHAT has belonged to our people since the beginning. May G-d please bless Chaim for his righteous efforts to save Israel and educate others on the dangers we all face now, the dangers of losing our homes, here in the US and in Israel.
Let us all thank Chaim, and we all pray for his success in fighting the evil that wants to destroy Israel and the United States.

May the Lord G-d of Israel bless Chaim, May the Lord G-d of Israel keep Chaim safe always, may the Lord G-d of Israel give Chaim success in his fight for Freedom and Righteousness...Amein.

                                                                   Shalom - Dox   

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Re: Chaim Ben Pesach
« Reply #22 on: April 17, 2009, 03:00:39 AM »
I saw one of his videos on another site and thought he was the greatest.  He exercises free speach to its utmost and doesn't hold back.  I can only wish him luck over the next four (hope that's all) years.

You said Chaim went to prison twice, once in the 1970's and again in the 1980's for 5 years.  How long, in total, did Chaim spend in prison?  I can imagine the prisons there are far worse here in Canada.  Here the prisoners get satellite TV, DVD/VCR, Computer access, full gym/health club, free University schooling and social/skills/trade training, voting rights, better food than middle income people and of course a few of our prisons here even come with 9 hole golf courses...   :-[
Also, remind me to rob a bank in Canada
"History may not repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme"
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Re: Chaim Ben Pesach
« Reply #23 on: May 25, 2009, 11:15:14 AM »
Chaim is truly an honorable man, and I am glad to make donations to JTF for the cause!  Good men God's gift to society!   I respectfully can't understand how he managed not to get snagged by some good looking woman.   He probably has more time to dedicate to JTF and not be tied down.

Keep up the good work Chaim.