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Was this naive woman Jewish?
She went to a bar, went into a car with strangers and was murdered:
Fruit of thy loins:
I bet the 'men' were [censored].
Levin is a common Jewish name, as in Levinson, Levi and so forth, so perhaps she was Jewish or of Jewish descent.
I bet it was the schvatzas as well. You can often tell when the multicult has covered up the race of murderers and murder suspects when they give no description.
Multiculturalism appears to be a funeral pyre upon which sacrificial victims are to be burnt as offerings to the gods of materialism and consumerism.
Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
--- Quote from: sat_chit_anand on April 01, 2007, 03:25:02 PM ---I bet it was the schvatzas as well. You can often tell when the multicult has covered up the race of murderers and murder suspects when they give no description.
--- End quote ---
Yeah, happens all the time. Whenever you flip on the afternoon news and the police are urgently searching for suspects in some heinous crime, but do not show the police sketch or provide any details of any kind, you kind of know why.
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