Some of you dont know me, and some do. I know that many dont like me, and they had good reason. I never really knew what Clinton the BUTCHER was doing to Serbians until this past weekend. I must give you my most heart-felt apologies for what our debaucherous, filthy disgusting President thug did to Serbia when he was OCCUPYING the W.H. I AM SORRY, please accept this apology. Chaim Ben Pesach told me last night that the Serbs are some of the most heroic people, and I agree. I support you, Chaim supports you and David Ben Moshe loves you.
Indeed our govt is the total pits, and our govt now hates its own people. I know now what happened from America to your people, and I am very sorry for any pain that I have caused the Serbian members here. I am deeply sorry.
I have always been a patriotic American. When others talked about my country, I was indignant and harsh, b/c I USED to believe that we had the best country in the world. We dont anymore, and because of the things we did in Serbia, we are being punished. Because of the things that CLINTON the BUTCHER ALLOWED, we are being judged. Because of the way we are dealing with itty bitty Israel, and how we have bullied them, God, indeed is judging us.
But, you need to know one thing: I am with you. Since I am with you, you have a fighter with you.
Below is an old photo. At one time, we cared:
I found this on google images, it is on an enemy site, the funny part is that the Jewish people in NY, vvery much care about Serbia. I hope this will ease a little pain today.