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Jewish hero convicted of murder

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Asher Weisgal a Jewish patriot who killed four Arab-Nazis in a brave if futile effort to stop the Gush Katif pogrom has been convicted of murder let us daven for him in his and his families hour of need.


--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on September 11, 2006, 08:44:53 PM ---Asher Weisgal a Jewish patriot who killed four Arab-Nazis in a brave if futile effort to stop the Gush Katif pogrom has been convicted of murder let us daven for him in his and his families hour of need.

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you say he was right? or you say its ok to kill arabs just like that?
its not Jewish to murder people like that, even if they belong to the enemy, if they didnt want to hurt anyone.


--- Quote from: NeverMore on September 12, 2006, 06:54:55 AM ---
--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on September 11, 2006, 08:44:53 PM ---Asher Weisgal a Jewish patriot who killed four Arab-Nazis in a brave if futile effort to stop the Gush Katif pogrom has been convicted of murder let us daven for him in his and his families hour of need.

--- End quote ---

you say he was right? or you say its ok to kill arabs just like that?
its not Jewish to murder people like that, even if they belong to the enemy, if they didnt want to hurt anyone.
--- End quote ---


Your pacifist/liberal/suicidal/foolish statement above contradicts your signature,
which reads, "Kahane was right."

Make up your mind.

Yishmael was created to be evil ("And he will be a wild man, his hand against
everybody, and everyone's hand against him"), and we are commanded by
God to destroy evil, and not have any misplaced pity, ESPECIALLY for evil
people who inhabit GOD's land, which He has given to the Jews.

And remember, "He who has mercy on the cruel, will some day cause cruelty
onto the merciful."

Regardless, these lone acts of heroism and desperation are primarily the result
of the Israeli Bolshevik regime policy not to protect settlers, and to deprive
them of the means of self-protection, thereby encouraging them to voluntarily
leave Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem (the "West Bank" as self-hating Jews
and the Jew-hating MSM call these holy areas in their attempt to de-Judaize


--- Quote from: davkakach on September 12, 2006, 10:01:49 AM ---
--- Quote from: NeverMore on September 12, 2006, 06:54:55 AM ---
--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on September 11, 2006, 08:44:53 PM ---Asher Weisgal a Jewish patriot who killed four Arab-Nazis in a brave if futile effort to stop the Gush Katif pogrom has been convicted of murder let us daven for him in his and his families hour of need.

--- End quote ---

you say he was right? or you say its ok to kill arabs just like that?
its not Jewish to murder people like that, even if they belong to the enemy, if they didnt want to hurt anyone.
--- End quote ---


Your pacifist/liberal/suicidal/foolish statement above contradicts your signature,
which reads, "Kahane was right."

Make up your mind.

Yishmael was created to be evil ("And he will be a wild man, his hand against
everybody, and everyone's hand against him"), and we are commanded by
God to destroy evil, and not have any misplaced pity, ESPECIALLY for evil
people who inhabit GOD's land, which He has given to the Jews.

And remember, "He who has mercy on the cruel, will some day cause cruelty
onto the merciful."

Regardless, these lone acts of heroism and desperation are primarily the result
of the Israeli Bolshevik regime policy not to protect settlers, and to deprive
them of the means of self-protection, thereby encouraging them to voluntarily
leave Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem (the "West Bank" as self-hating Jews
and the Jew-hating MSM call these holy areas in their attempt to de-Judaize

--- End quote ---

as to the first part of your statement, i see no contradiction with what i have said. only i dont like you calling me a one who has pacifist, liberal, suicidal, FOOLISH ideas. you must show at least some respect. you can think that all you say is OK and right and correct, (and that will make you an ignorant actually), but treating people who you disagree with in such disgrace and lower my level so much i think you made a mistake in that.

Kahane was absolutely right, i know VERY MUCH of his theories, and he, and all of us as Jews who believe in G-d, would never seek to kill innocent people only because they belong to a people who is our enemy.

you see, if they wanted to kill Jews, then it might be ok, just to save the people they want to kill. but they didint, and the guy who murdered them did it only to use it as a deflector to the hinatkut plan, thus treating them not as people but only as "things".

whatever you may say, you will never be able to convince anyone that it's Jewish to kill inocent people, especially for the reason he killed them.
all you say i agree, but only when regarding dealing with the enemy himself, or killing cevilians say while bombing a katiusha that is firing among a crowd of people or something.

no righteous Jew can seek the death of other righteous people, that if he is really righteous and not pretending to be one.

G-d himself said to let good "nochrim" or "gerim" to live peacefully in Eretz Israel. if the arabs he killed were peaceful people (and dont say that if they're muslims they cant be peaceful or something like that, because not all muslims follow what's written in the kuran, you know), than he himself pretended to be a good Jew, when actually going against G-d. in no case would G-d want innocent people to die like these arabs died, if they were innocent of course. im sure he didnt check their opinions before killing them, because he had a goal to a chieve by that.

this is definately not heroism, just like the arabs who kill us daily are'nt heroes.

you said: And remember, "He who has mercy on the cruel, will some day cause cruelty
onto the merciful."- fully agreed, doesnt conradict anything i say.

the problem is that you (and from other topic- fjack) dont understand what im trying to say, and dismiss any non- cruelty to arabs as "liberalism", "pacifism" and the other crap you called ME.

if you suggest to kill them all, without any distingtion, you cant claim to be a righteous true Jew.
I, dont keep many mitsvas, but im trying to go in G-d's ways (and "kill'em all" to the arabs is absolutely against G-d), so you see the difference between us?

im here, because i fully agree with REAL Kahanism, and not the brutal cruel WRONG Kahanism you believe in, if you support killing every arab.
there are many righteous arabs who dont deserve to die, maybe one of them was among those who the guy killed. you think thats justified? no way!

Ya, we aren't here to kill all the arabs because they are arabs. We just want to expell them all from Israel... give them some money and send them "home".

Now if they accidentally die in a plane crash on the way home, I don't think anyone is going to have depression over it.


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