General Category > General Discussion
Suggestion for DawnTreader
On ASK JTF you said you would like to help. Can you perhaps create some youtube videos like the Islam or 9/11 one? I'm sure Chaim would help.
I am positive I could. I think some things necessary would be stock footage, and then of course if you were really making some kind of a documentary you'd have to have the funds to be able to go around and interview necessary people and that sort of thing. Then, you'd have to have a really well thought out plan on what it is you'd like the documentary to really be about as well.
I have some kahanist stock footage you could use
Din Rodef:
Wow ...I'd love to see what Dawntreader could come up with...if he was able to devote some time to a project
that would be awesome
I have a still photogaphy background and was planning on photographing and videotaping the illegal immigration rallies that are coming up. IF I get some good footage...I'll see if it can be used by someone in this forum. I can shoot...but I can't edit. I am horrible with Photoshop and Premiere
Din, your problem is your using premiere, switch to Final Cut Pro its much better.
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