Okay and who will arrest the entire "governments" of Iran, Syria, Saudi-Arabia, Pakistan,... for their violent crimes against humanity? 
At the moment the most anti-democratic people cry out for democratic trials they do not even have in their own countries. If it would not make me so aggressive, it would make me laugh!
Isn't this the most ridiculous thing you have ever heard of?
Give me a break!!!
Yes it is HILARIOUS! And as hilarious as SAUDI-ARABIA accusing Germany at Amnesty International as muslim discriminating!

And AI still ACCEPTED Saudi Arabia's accusation.... I also think it very discriminating to give shelter to islamists, to only have 3,000 mosques (plus another 250 under construction) throughout the country, to let female teachers wear chador (in some of the Federal States) and to have islam lessons at school. Very discriminating. If we were really nice towards islam we would tell our women to wear chador as well, we would leave the daughters at home and not let them go to school, we had sahria "law" and a complete muslim parliament! At least then Saudi-Arabia would not accuse us! You know what? I don't care neither for AI nor for a sh*t country like Saudi-Arabia which constructed the "Highway of the Infidels" leading around Mecca - since no non-muslim is allowed to enter the city!