Shalom Chaim and thank you as always for your hard work and answering my questions.
Do you believe that the Iranian government is behind this phony revolution by making it seem there is the possibility of a revolution or some fundamental change in their government? I think this is a strong possibility because a totalitarian regime like the one in Iran could end these protests in a heartbeat by unleashing brutal force against the protesters without caring what other countries will say.
It would seem that the Iranians would be doing this, because now Israel's leaders will foolishly believe that if they bomb Iran they will unite the Iranian people behind the Iranian government, so they must wait to see what happens. Meanwhile Iran continues to build its nuclear weapons. Furthermore, we all know the only difference between Mousavi, yimach shmo vezichro, and Ahmadinejad,yimach shmo vezichro, is that the former is more clever while the latter is more honest about his intentions.